Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 91 Farewell Gift


Rex unsheathed Berserker as his heightened sense ability instantly kicked in. Once this ability kicked in, this was when he calmed down, puzzled.

First of all, even after the voice called his name, his intuition never warned him of danger and for some reason, he felt a sense of closeness to this person. Now that he thought of it, the voice even sounded a little familiar.

Rex was stunned as he looked deep into the darkness of the cave, and through his night vision, he was able to see the silhouette in the darkness.


A gentle but aggrieved laugh soon sounded from inside the darkness. "I thought you\'d forgotten my name already".

Cassandra no longer kept the suspense as she switched on a mystic light bulb that floated in the air, illuminating the cave.

Rex remained stunned as he looked at this childhood friend of his. Like him, Cassandra was dressed in basic hunter clothes and leather armor and as she tied her long black hair to a bun, it made her look more attractive than ever before.

She was seated upon a mattress that she brought along on her storage ring, but Rex\'s complete attention was on her face as she had this strange wild beauty to her at this moment that he had never noticed before.

"Wait…, wait!"

Rex spoke up the next moment to stop himself before his imagination could run wilder as he looked at her. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Cassandra threw his question back at him.

Well, that certainly left Rex speechless. At this moment, he was already thrown off-balance, seeing Cassandra again was something that was so out of his script for the next phase of his life that he didn\'t know how to react.

"Come, sit, let\'s talk". Cassandra motioned at the mattress and Rex did not resist as he nodded before going to sit beside her.

After sitting down, silence reigned for the next few minutes as both of them seemed not to know how to start a conversation till Cassandra finally sighed and spoke. "Do you want to tell me what is happening now?"

Rex turned to look at her one more time as her wild beauty kept on mesmerizing him but he shook his head. "I can\'t tell you, this is personal".

"When did we start keeping secrets?"

"You also have secrets!" Rex raised his voice a bit at this point.

Cassandra sighed. "So, you want to know about my secret?"


"Will you tell me yours after I\'m done?"


Cassandra only smiled at that before she started. "I\'m from the future".



"Come again you say what?"

Cassandra smiled again. "I\'m from the future and I\'m serious".

"I came from 50 years in the future, where you and I will be Super Mystic Warriors. Of course, you are the stronger one and the most notorious".

"In the timeline that I came from, you are a villain".

"A crazy lone wolf marauder".

"Not many people knew your motive for doing it, but you were crazy in your quest for power. You could do anything to get power, including slaughtering whole villages and refining their blood to upgrade your vampire powers".

"I am a genius of the Ancient Putin family. Like a lot of others, we fell to the trap of the Holmes family and we were almost annihilated".

"At his point of death, my grandfather prophesied to me that the only way to save the Putin bloodline is to ply my trade with the crazy vampire, the Blood King Rex. I was reluctant but in no time, I became the last of my bloodline".

"To save my bloodline, I had no choice but to do it. I activated my legendary mystic ability and was able to travel through the river of time to 50 years in the past. Due to my manipulation, I was able to become Cassandra".

"On starting over, I lost a lot of my abilities and that is why I decided to enter the Obedin Mystic Academy with you. Besides, I wanted to get close to you".

"With time, I grew to become close to you and here we are".

"On seeing the dreaded Scorpion, I think I know the reason for your crazy personality in the future now. The Holmes family did something to your family too, and that\'s why you also want to leave the city right?"

Rex kept quiet as Cassandra looked at him, waiting for his answer.

Seeing Cassandra again already made him lose balance a lot, now this reveal of hers came like a bombshell to him. The cute Cassandra that he played with and always had a crush on, he never expected her to be from the future.

"So, you became close to me to take advantage of me?"

"No, I became close to you because I want to save my family and my bloodline from extinction. I never expected our relationship to develop so far beyond my expectations".

"What is Scorpion\'s fate in the future?"

"20 years from now, you will both be fierce rivals but like is characteristic of them, he later discovered that he was deceived. He fought for the Holmes family thinking that his daughter was kept captive, but she was already dead".

"She died the same day that his wife died".

"On that day that he discovered, he went mad and fought against them but he stood no chance, the Holmes family exterminated him".

"That is the same fate that befell all their rivals and is why I came to the past to seek your help. Also, after getting so close to you, I don\'t want you to take the same path that you took in the future".

Cassandra looked into Rex\'s eyes. "Please, don\'t become a villain".

At this point, everything that Rex heard was like an ancient foreign language to him. He knew that Cassandra was not lying but he still found it hard to believe.

"What of Ben? Is he also from the future?"

"No, Ben is just like you, he\'s just from an influential Mystic family".

It got to a point where Rex just kept asking questions and Cassandra kept on answering, this continued for hours until Cassandra started another conversation.

"Rex, please don\'t leave. If you do, you\'ll just start that villainous life of your future all over again, I don\'t want to see that future version of you".

"I love you, Rex; I\'m scared to see you like that again".

"…" Now, that was the word that toasted Rex\'s head. "You love me?"

"Yeah, I do since a long time ago as I got to know you more. The more I know you, the more I love you, and that is why I don\'t want to see that future you".

Cassandra went closer and gently hugged him. "For me, for us, please stay".

At this moment, there was no point in rejecting it anymore. Cassandra would be a fool if she hadn\'t noticed his blatant crush on her for so long, so instead of resisting it, Rex accepted it as he hugged her back.

So, there they stayed in each other\'s arms for minutes as they poured their hearts into each other.

"You may have already guessed, but I\'m from the Ancient Vector family". Once Rex said this, he planted his lips on Cassandra\'s, preventing her from replying.

From there, things quickly escalated. Rex could barely make sense of what was happening as he let his instincts take control and in mere seconds, their skin was already intertwined as they expressed their love for each other the old way.

With their mystic warrior physique, they were able to keep at it for over an hour before they finally lay in each other\'s arms, exhausted.

None of them spoke, they just laid in each other\'s arms as the time passed, it was like they could transmit their thoughts to each other telepathically.

A long time passed and Rex raised his hand to caress her neck.

This was when Cassandra finally spoke up as she gave him her necklace. "This is from my grandfather, keep it in remembrance of me".

"For me, please be good".


Rex\'s hand gently tapped her neck the next moment.

[You have activated mystic ability: Blackfire!]

The Blackfire mystic ability was related to fire, but it dealt more ethereal and soul damage. This light tap from Rex contained this mystic ability as it affected Cassandra\'s soul, making her instantly fall into a deep slumber.

As she slept, Rex kissed her on the neck before standing up. In no time, he cleaned himself up before standing beside her.

"I love you Cassandra, and that\'s why I will not put you in danger".

"As you said, the enemy is too strong, I will not forgive myself if you died".

"For you, I will become strong".

"And if fate says that I survive, I\'ll marry you".

With that, Rex wore the necklace and left the cave.

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