In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 338 - Ch338. Just Do It!

Chapter 338 - Ch338. Just Do It!

The depressing debate about the surprising upcoming war continued for a few minutes and the younger ninjas learned a lot of things such as how the inter-village politics in the Elemental Nations worked, what exactly kept the status quo and the balance of the world in check, and most importantly, just how easy it was to upset said balance and cause a war. It was an eye-opening discussion for the young genins.

When the debate reached its end and the people started to slowly leave the table, Anko suddenly noticed Sasuke subtly glancing at the back of the leaving Haku, his lips set in an indecisive frown before his eyes gained a strange resolve. He stood up and put his hands into his pockets, slouched a bit in his usual fashion, and donned his broody expression on his face before he slowly followed the unsuspecting Haku.

Anko\'s lips involuntarily stretched into a wide grin as she stood up from her seat and stealthily followed Sasuke. She instantly knew there would be entertainment!


Anko sat on the roof of Tazuna\'s home, watching as Haku practiced senbon-throwing in the backyard, patiently waiting for the fun to start when Kakashi suddenly appeared next to her and sat down in his usual depressing manner with a heavy sigh.

Anko inwardly clicked her tongue and thanked her foresight for spreading pre-made silencing seals around herself; otherwise Haku or the stalker-kun would definitely notice her with how much noise the distraught jonin was generating.

The two watched Haku\'s practice in silence for a few minutes before...

"Aren\'t you even a little worried about our genins?" Kakashi suddenly asked, his tone somewhat reproaching. He didn\'t like how casually Anko talked about the upcoming war as if it didn\'t matter. Kakashi lived through one already and didn\'t want his genins to go through the same experience. Yet, Anko seemed carefree as always. It really irked him somewhat fiercely.

Anko slightly turned her head towards her displeased co-teacher and scoffed, "I trained them for years. I know exactly where they stand ability-wise. They will be fine."

"You don\'t know that. War is unpredictable. Anything could happen." Kakashi argued in a calm tone but the struggle in his sole uncovered eye was plainly visible for Anko.

"And what exactly do you expect me to do about it?" Anko asked, thoroughly amused by Kakashi\'s attitude, realizing why he came to talk to her.

He was not here to do something about it. He simply wanted to complain, rave and rake about the unfairness of the world, and most importantly, he wanted someone who would listen to his worries. Anko found it distasteful that he chose her but considering his next best bet was Zabuza, it was somehow understandable if a bit annoying.

Hearing Anko\'s question, all righteous anger suddenly left Kakashi, making him humorlessly chuckle. What did he expect her to do, indeed...

Anko was the apprentice of Lady Tsunade and to say a small part of him didn\'t want her to talk to the ruler of Konoha and persuade her to stop the war would be a massive lie. But Kakashi had to acknowledge that even if Anko by some miracle decided to indulge his wish, and then if by some higher power Lady Tsunade decided to listen to Anko, it wouldn\'t matter anyway.

"Nothing." He released a pent-up sigh and helplessly shook his head. "I expect nothing from you."

"Mhm." Anko nodded in satisfaction, "Good. At least you won\'t be disappointed." She offhandedly added as she turned back, continuing her stalking of the stalker.

A vein popped up on Kakashi\'s forehead and his lips twitched when he heard the casual dismissal Anko gave him. Nevertheless, he noticed how his melancholy was instantly converted into irritation and had to admit Anko had a talent for alleviating the mood by being annoying.

"Haah~. What did I expect..." Kakashi mumbled under his nose with a reluctant smile.

Unfortunately for him, that\'s when his cute little Uchiha genin finally got enough courage to act and Anko no longer paid attention to what the cyclops had to say.

"Shush!" She brutally silenced him by bonking him on the head, earning herself a light-hearted glare.

As he glared at Anko, Kakashi noticed she was too focused on something in the backyard and curiously turned his gaze towards it, only for his jaw to drop when he noticed the fidgeting Sasuke freaking Uchiha, the broody emo-edgelord himself, approaching Haku with an utterly insecure expression.

"Ah, young love... isn\'t it precious?" Kakashi was pulled out of his shock as Anko dreamily sighed with the biggest shit-eating grin plastered on her face while she took out a camera from a storage tag.

He realized what would shortly happen and could only offer Sasuke a pitiful glance. \'This woman is too evil. I am sorry Sasuke, your teacher is incapable of saving you!\'

Contrary to his thoughts, he also got comfortable in his spot and under his facemask sported a wide teasing grin that only got bigger the closer Sasuke got to Haku.


Sasuke approached Haku, grateful for the chilly air that prevented his hands from sweating too much as he nervously admired the beauty in front of him. Gulping down, he gathered enough courage and decided that as Uchiha, it was ungraceful to hesitate. This might be his last chance to speak to Haku and he will not miss it!

Haku noticed Sasuke... in fact, Haku knew Sasuke was standing there, observing... and truth to be told, it was creepy as heck.

When Sasuke finally decided to leave his hiding place, Haku sighed in relief, thinking that the Uchiha finally decided to speak out what was his problem.

"Hi." Sasuke nervously greeted.

"Good evening, Uchiha-san." Haku slowly nodded and with a curious head-tilt. "What can I do for you?"

"Er... I wanted to... you know," Sasuke fidgeted, "I mean... this is might be the last time we see each other since we are from different villages and..." He paused, embarrassedly looking for proper words.

"Yes?" Haku asked, not really getting what the boy wanted. This was getting too weird.

\'Ei! Just do it!\' Sasuke mentally encouraged himself. \'What is the worst that could happen!\'

"What I want to say is..." Sasuke took a deep breath. "Haku-san, I fell in love with you!" He loudly exclaimed, his cheeks turning deep crimson from embarrassment. His eyes, however, held a firm resolve.

A deafening silence suddenly engulfed the backyard of Tazuna\'s house, making Sasuke that much more nervous when he didn\'t receive a reply straight away.

"I... I am sorry Uchiha-san. I don\'t swing that way." Haku awkwardly stated in a flabbergasted voice that still held a polite undertone.

"You... you are lesbian?" Sasuke frowned.

"Uchiha-san, I am a boy." Haku evenly said, trying to hide how mortified he felt at the moment.

Sasuke\'s brain froze and his mouth slightly opened in half-formed retort...before he registered what Haku told him and that the not-female had a dead-serious expression.

"I am sorry but I think we should forget about this conversation ever happening." Before Sasuke could even fully comprehend what happened, Haku decided it was the best time to take his leave, far away from the gender-confused Uchiha who creeped him out.

Sasuke found himself standing alone in the Tazuna\'s backyard in shocked silence, the events replaying in his head again and again as shame filled his body and disgust seeped into his mind. Suddenly, Sasuke deeply regretted looking at Haku\'s posterior with Sharingan, etching it forever into his mind.

That was one thing that will forever haunt him.

The young Uchiha was thanking Sage nobody saw him in what he dubbed the most shameful moment of his life... when he registered stifled laughter coming from above, making him snap his gaze towards it with a deer in the headlight\'s expression on his face.

Right there, on the roof, were both Anko and Kakashi, having blast at Sasuke\'s expense, Kakashi trying to repress his chuckles while Anko was failing hard at stifling hers and holding... \'Is that a camera?\' Sasuke paled and almost blacked out as he realized what that meant for his future.

Noticing that Sasuke was looking at them as if he saw a ghost, Anko gave the boy a sweet smile, "I must say when I followed you, I didn\'t expect to get such quality blackmail. Way to go, lover boy!" She choked on her chortles.

"Fuck you!" Sasuke angrily growled, narrowing his eyes at her but knowing it was in vain. The most he could do was swallow his shame.

"Oh~, naughty! We should be careful. We wouldn\'t want to make Haku-chan jealous, would we, now?" Anko teasingly quipped, her eyes full of mirth. Sasuke wanted to curse at her again but she started speaking again, "Huh, who would have thought you swung both ways. I guess there is still hope for the Uchiha clan."

At that, even Kakashi no longer managed to keep his face blank and burst into wheezing laughter.

Needless to say, Sasuke Uchiha was not a happy camper.

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