In Naruto: Reborn With Talent

Chapter 188 - Ch188. Tsunades soul

Chapter 188 - Ch188. Tsunade\'s soul

Hearing Konan and Rei discuss a possible problem with her soul, Tsunade instantly became serious. She might not know what it exactly meant for her, and the years since bonding with Rei she never once found a problem with her health, but better safe than sorry.

"I didn\'t really put much thought to Tsunade\'s problem with her soul, to be honest." Rei slowly started explaining the situation. Making sure to be nonchalant about it which told his girls it was nothing to get worked over for. "Firstly, it didn\'t really affect Tsunade because none of her techniques depend on her soul and my senses were telling me she was not affected whatsoever. I actually watched her very closely but when no change occurred even after three years and nothing seemed wrong with Tsunade, I simply shrugged it off for the moment. If Tsunade was Yamanaka, the whole situation would be probably different since her techniques would tremendously weaken but as it was, curing her was not very important at the time." Rei stopped, making sure his meaning was conveyed.

"Is it really fine? Fractured soul sounds kind of dangerous." Mei voiced out, frowning, as she scooted closer to Tsunade in a supportive manner.

"Well, that\'s not really what her ailment was, actually." Rei gave Mei a reassuring smile, "At the time, I didn\'t have enough knowledge about souls so I called it as I saw it but it\'s not as if Tsunade\'s soul is missing a piece. It sure as hell does look like that to my senses but as I got more knowledgeable, I figured out it is not really so."

Hearing him, Konan, Tsunade, and Pakura perked up, interested in the topic. After getting reassurance from Rei that Tsunade was fine, Ringo stopped caring and decided to play with her fox. Mei, on the other hand, was still close to Tsunade but she also didn\'t care about whatever theory Rei was about to portray. If it was really important, he would force her to learn it anyway.

"From what I know, and do take into consideration that I am no expert by any sort of a stretch," Rei started, "Souls are energy-based constructs... well, sort of? Anyway, Tsunade\'s soul was lacking energy without any way to replenish it. Our bonding patched her soul up, preventing more energy leakage but it didn\'t help in any way to replenish the lost energy. And that\'s where Tsunade\'s bijuu comes in." He grinned. He might not be an expert on souls but his understanding of Tsunade\'s problem was good enough to create a solution. The side-effects... those were negligible at best compared to whatever could happen to her because of her weakened soul. Rei wasn\'t about to leave her in that state, not when he had a solution to it. He was not nearly enough delusional, reckless, or arrogant to think there would be no consequence whatsoever if he let it drag on.

"You used the nature energy to somehow strengthen my soul during the process of creating Blondie." Tsunade interrupted as an understanding gleam suddenly flashed through her eyes.

Rei raised his eyebrow at her, surprised she figured it out but there were more important things right now. "Blondie?" He asked, almost amused.

Tsunade cutely blushed and her eyes lit up with joy as she nodded. "Since she is blond, I will call my girl Blondie."

"That\'s actually nice." Konan interjected, the corners of her lips slightly up, "Then mine will be Indigo."

"Emerald." Pakura said, joining the conversation as she stroke her almost preening fox.

"I will go with Auburn," Mei nodded, following the theme set by Tsunade. "It\'s simple and reminds me of my beautiful hair."

"In that case," Ringo held her fox on the level of her eyes as she stared at it intently. "You will be Crimson, understood?" Only when the fox nodded did Ringo smile and briefly kiss its muzzle in satisfaction before putting it back into her l.a.p.

"I guess, there aren\'t many choices left for me." Rei chuckled before looking at the sleeping black fox in his l.a.p that was also the only male of the bunch. "Sorry, buddy, according to the naming theme you were deemed to be Blackie." He said with a mocking undertone as if he slightly pitied the fox which caused Tsunade to give him a slight unamused glare, recognizing the jab at her naming sense.

"Naming aside." Rei continued, looking at Tsunade with a bit of proudness in his eyes and also a veiled surprise. "I am actually surprised you recognized what strengthened your soul."

Tsunade shrugged, "You threw me enough hints. At first, I thought my senses going so haywire I couldn\'t recognize which way is up or down was a part of the ritual but now I know why I felt that way and why it felt so familiar. Nature Energy simply supercharged my senses too much as it flowed..." Tsunade\'s expression became a bit puzzled, "not really into my body but still inside of me? The actual feeling is hard to explain. Anyway, the side-effects?" She added a bit worriedly.

"Don\'t worry. It\'s nothing major. You probably noticed how we all share a liking for our foxes. They are akin to an inseparable best friend to us. But in your case, your bond is much, much closer. Considering she," Rei pointed at Blondie, "was born out of your chakra and consciousness, it isn\'t even that wrong, ya know?" He knowingly smiled at the flabbergasted Tsunade.

"I... Right." Tsunade looked at her hands, unwilling to raise her head higher for the moment.

"If it makes you feel any better, I think you will be a good mother to Blondie." Konan added, causing Tsunade to grow even quieter as her cheeks gained pink dusting while the other girls either silently snickered at her embarrassment or gave their own encouragements.

"Thank you." Tsunade eventually muttered, grateful for the opportunity. Blondie might not have been her real child but she felt attached to her nevertheless. Tsunade knew Rei didn\'t want children. Not yet, anyway. It didn\'t even matter as much since their lifespan was lengthened to incredible proportions so they had a few centuries before even thinking about it. But Tsunade craved family ever since she lost hers. Being able to feel a motherly bond to her little fox was... almost heavenly for her.

The group spent the next few moments relishing the pleasant surprise as they played with their new additions before Rei decided to continue the conversation.

"So, any other questions?"

At first, it looked like everybody was content. Rei knew his girls were curious and most likely had loads of questions. But he also knew they would not ask unless they were at the end of their wits or it was something they really deemed important.

That\'s why he was really surprised when he heard Tsunade\'s voice.

"In fact... yes." She started unsurely before growing determined, "I would like to ask why. Why exactly do you focus on making us stronger? We are probably the strongest ninjas alive when it comes to chakra reserves and manipulation. And yet," She swiped her hand around, indicating the foxes, "it is still not enough. I want to know why." She bit her lower lip. She really wanted to know and more importantly, she needed to know if there is something she could help Rei with.

"Eh... because I am bored?" Rei weakly tried, only getting eye-rolls in return which turned his expression a bit sheepish. "Fine." He sighed. There wasn\'t a question of \'Should I reveal it?\' in his mind. All five of the women he loved and trusted so he started talking.

"You see, a thousand years ago...

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