My Unconventional Delivery System!

Chapter 57 - Kissing?


Only a single word echoed out of her lips, before the maid dragon froze, rooted on her spot. Kyle\'s hand was still placed on her flushed cheeks, his eyes never leaving Tohru\'s as he patiently, and nervously, waited for her answer. Eyes that suddenly became chaotic as a stream of clear tears started falling from Tohru\'s eyes, drenching his right hand with their salty, watery texture. Kyle, now panicking, not expecting such a reaction, hurriedly asked with a deeply concerned tone. "Tohru are you okay?!" ​​

"E-eh? No, I\'m fine.. " said the dragon of chaos, as she had just noticed that her eyes were shedding tears, with her right hand she tried to wipe those tears away, failing as the stream seemed to be never ending. She wasn\'t sad, the opposite in fact, she was in an extremely happy mood, never believing that someone could feel such happiness, ever in their life.

Closing her eyes, she kept rewinding and replaying the words uttered by the man of her dreams, over and over and over again until she could finally believe them to be true and process their meaning. Kyle had confessed to her; that he loved her, now her greatest wish and deepest desire were fulfilled by the man she loved, she was elated; deeply.

"If that\'s what you say..then I\'ll believe umm... about my confession..err.." Kyle, now a bit distanced from her, to let her get her bearings right, stuttered nervously, his tense state of mind visible for anyone to see.

Seeing him like that, Tohru could only giggle, her laughing sight, a wonder to anyone and everyone who were lucky enough to witness it, not that anyone other than Kyle had entitlement to that wonderful sight, at least if she had her way with it. She fancied the thoughts of being a bit cheeky, something she never imagined herself to be doing in Kyle\'s presence. "What do you think?"

" would I know?"

"Moū~! You know already.. that it would be a yes from me! I-i-i could never reject you. I l-love you and you know that right?" Was her reply, as she smiled at him, unending affection and everlasting love radiating in that smile.

Knowing that he wasn\'t rejected, he sighed, relief washing over his soul. Then he also smiled at her, it was filled with all the love he could muster, directed towards her, the object of his affection and fascination. And after that, he asked a dumb question. "Then, we\'re an official couple?"

"Isn\'t that natural?"

"Yeah, I know... it was a stupid question to ask, wasn\'t it?"

"No, it\'s okay.. actually... I was about to ask the same question, if you didn\'t ask…."

"Is that so? Then I\'m glad then; that our thoughts are so aligned."


Then there was silence, the conversation stopped there, they weren\'t awkward, not in the least, they were just… lost, no clue whatsoever of what they should do next..

This was a first for both of them; dating. The obvious questions were playing on both of their minds, of what couples should do in this situation.. Was there a process? A first thing every couple should do, after going official? Or should they let their instincts and desires take control or..

Endless questions stormed in their minds, they weren\'t sure of what to do, they knew there were things, specific ones, only lovers were allowed to do, like smooching..


Both Tohru and Kyle looked at each other simultaneously, their eyes enough to inform each other that they were thinking of the same thing. Kyle, not missing the opportunity, took it, albeit he confirmed with her first, just to be sure. "Do you want to?"

Tohru, understanding the meaning, immediately flushed, her smooth round cheeks taking a reddish pink hue. But she nodded nonetheless, albeit shyly, doing wonders to add to her cuteness factor that she was already over loaded with. "Yes.."

Getting her permission, Kyle slowly approached her, the few inches of distance between them immediately vanishing. First, his right hand again found it\'s previous place on her cheeks. Her skin was warm, which turned even redder and warmer as his hands were placed on it. His eyes focused on Tohru\'s, which had yet again started their wandering session across the room, only avoiding his gaze; her wandering eyes came to a stop when Kyle\'s face inched towards her\'s and his gaze became more deeply locked in her mesmerizing one, making her, almost magnetically, gaze at his eyes, which were deeply looking at her\'s, as if they could gaze directly at her soul.

Tohru\'s breathing heated, her lust fuelled by his gaze containing love. Then Kyle slowly closed his eyes, as his face had reached its destination, for his lips to overlap with hers and press themselves in a simple yet passionate kiss, filled with the love they felt for each other.

His first thought was \'Feels so nice and soft..are all lips like this?\' her lips were truly soft, cushioning his own slightly rough lips, he could feel her heated breaths brush past his cheeks, each second making this intimate contact, all the more wonderful for himself, while he hoped the same was for this gorgeous dragon maid of his.

Tohru on the other hand, was blushing madly, her whole face now akin to a fully ripened tomato, crimson taking place instead of the usual skin tone. Her eyes, unlike Kyle\'s, weren\'t closed. They were still staring at his face, her slit draconic pupils now morphed, taking the shape of hearts, their color pink, throbbing with desire for Kyle. If it wasn\'t for her immense willpower and her slight paranoia of Kyle hating her, she would\'ve pushed Kyle down and would\'ve taken him right then and there. Since she didn\'t want him to hate her, as she was sure practically raping him would surely earn his ire and hate, she held herself back, well as much as she possibly could.

But she still couldn\'t control her mouth, which immediately went on its way, as if it had a mind of its own. Letting instincts take reign, her tongue parted Kyle\'s lips and found its way into his mouth, intertwining with Kyle\'s own. From lip to lip to mouth to mouth and now an entanglement of tongues. Her tongue started ravaging Kyle\'s mouth; licking, sucking, slurping; doing all it could do to heighten the pleasure she hoped both of them were feeling.

Kyle was a bit astonished at Tohru\'s sudden \'attack\', an astonishment that didn\'t last long as he let his own lust and primal instincts take charge as well, countering Tohru\'s heated lust and passion with an equal amount of his own. The simple passionate kiss, had now revolved into a sensual feral exchange of unrestrained lustful yearning.

His tongue now answered all of Tohru\'s advances, twisting, turning, swirling and licking, it went on an entangled dance of exchanging passion with Tohru\'s own, their kiss now turning deep and sloppy, slurping sounds now echoed into the kitchen as they now started exchanging their salivas, fully tasting what the other had to offer. Tohru\'s mouth tasted sweet, a bit citrusy to add some twist, underlying beneath that sweet taste was a flavor, that he could only term as… \'chaos\'.. just like her origins, it was a weird thing to term a flavor as, but that was the first thing his mind came up with so he stuck with it, bobbing their heads as they immersed themselves in a plethora of sloppy kisses, Kyle twirled his tongue around Tohru\'s and started sucking on it deeply, making Tohru moan into his mouth.


Hearing her sweet moan, Kyle upped his tempo, wanting nothing but to keep hearing it again and again, which he did. Their breathing got hotter by the second their bodies now glued to each other, lost in each other\'s flaring passion. Due to being so immersed in their sensual session that was surely about to go in a more carnally depraved direction, they failed to notice that another party was now in the room, witnessing their carnal exchange of love and lust firsthand. Worse, it happened to be the only party in the mansion they shouldn\'t show something like this to; it was the cute dragon loli Kanna, watching both of their exchanges with a curious expression plastered on her cute face.

Having watched long enough, her childish curiosity took the better of her and she quizzically inquired. "Kyle? Tohru-sama? What are you doing? Why are you pushing each other\'s mouth?"

In an instant both of them separated, a string of saliva still connecting them, which got wiped out right away to hurriedly look at the owner of the voice; seeing that it was Kanna an expression of awkwardness and horror got plastered in their faces, horror because this wasn\'t something a little girl like her should be witnessing.

"K-kanna since when did you arrive here?" Kyle asked, while Tohru nodded flustered, her cheeks redder than ever.

Kanna innocently replied back. "Since, Kyle touched Tohru-sama\'s lips."

Now this was supremely awkward….

The new couple were clueless as to what to do, how they should even start explaining something so scandalous to the little kid. Fortunately, fate had favored them, an opportunity in the form of Tohru\'s dish starting to burn.

"Ah! Tohru the dish!"

"Uwawawa! I forgot about this!" It wasn\'t an excuse, she had really forgotten about the dish, actually she had temporarily forgotten about everything else other than Kyle and the sensations that their kiss evoked in her body, mind and soul.

Kyle, now using this convenient excuse, dragged Kanna out of the kitchen into the living room, hurriedly speaking to her. "Lets not interrupt Tohru okay?"

Before leaving, he gave the flustered maid a single, she understood the signs and nodded. Afterwards he dragged Kanna out of there.

He was finally able to get out of that awkward atmosphere, on their way Kanna naturally asked what they were doing and what was the meaning of doing something like that.

Kyle was expecting such a situation, a child was sensitive to new things and would surely ask questions to satisfy their curiosity. Expecting something, however, didn\'t mean that he also knew how to answer it.

He thought of lying, only to shoot that possibility down instantly, a lie would beget endless lies and he wasn\'t willing to enter a situation like that; hence he decided on explaining it to her, of what it meant to kiss, what it implied. He, of course, didn\'t mention to Kanna that he was now dating Tohru. He didn\'t intend to hide it, not in the slightest! He just didn\'t want to explain to Kanna about relationships. She was too little a kid to learn about relationships yet. They could have this talk when they grew up, or she learnt about it on her own.


It took some time for Tohru to finish making breakfast for everyone, she had to remake it since the previous batch got burned beyond salvation.

Arriving, with the dishes in tow, in the dining room, she saw everyone sitting in their respective chairs, Lucoa included who was the new addition to the ever growing Kobayashi family.

Tohru\'s emotions right now were in a complicated maelstrom. She was indeed extremely elated, happy beyond words that she was now a couple with her beloved. But, having Kanna witness their intimate exchange of passion was, to say the least, highly embarrassing and mortifying, a kid should never see something like that, especially since it wasn\'t a normal kiss but a slobbering animalistic one, where they had almost lost control of themselves.

Putting down all the dishes, she sat down alongside them, her seat being beside Kyle; it was surprising that she didn\'t add her tail on between the dishes today, or perhaps not, since after the whole confession episode she may have no use for adding it? Nobody knew, only time could tell.

After their usual prayer, they started digging in on their meal, the meal was going as per usual with small talks here and there, until, Kanna finally decided to throw the bomb she was holding in. "Kobayashi, do you know what kissing is?"

Hina frowned, this was unusual, and absolutely not something a child should be asking, even so, she still replied while sliding in a question. "Yes, I know what it is but why do you ask, Kanna-chan?"

"It\'s because Tohru-sama and Kyle were kissing each other in the kitchen."

Kyle and Tohru, simultaneously spat out the food contents they were intaking, due to Kanna\'s words. Tohru was embarrassed, her head down cheeks flushed, emotions stirring with anxiety and fear while Kyle was lamenting his decision about having that small talk about kissing, ostensibly, he wasn\'t able to fully satisfy Kanna\'s curiosity.

Hina, shell shocked, just kept staring at both Kyle and Tohru with a blank look, meanwhile Quetzalcoatl was quietly chuckling in an amused tone, finally getting the answer to the crux of Kyle\'s determination.

Hina asked bewildered. "Did you two really..?"

Kyle stared at Tohru who was also staring at him, fear and anxiety evident in her eyes, he slided a hand under the table and quietly grabbed her hand, giving her his support as he replied to Hina. "Yeah… we did."

Hina, nonplussed, asked once more, her tone now quivered a bit as it came out. "Since when did you guys become.."

"Just this morning." He immediately answered, no hesitation whatsoever in doing so, to him it wasn\'t a thing to hide anyways just a matter of when to reveal it to everyone.

"Oh I two finally became a couple huh...took you guys long enough." Hina muttered and continued to eat her breakfast, her head down, her chest hurting, the burning sensation of jealousy running through her veins burning up her chest further.

She couldn\'t understand, she couldn\'t fathom, of why she was feeling like this, was it because they were now a couple, while she wasn\'t? Her own nephew, who she thought of to be a loner like her had left her on the dust on the battlefield of intimacy and romance, was it because of that? But she shouldn\'t be feeling so much jealousy then, only a slight bit at best, while feeling happy for them or was it…?

The other reason that she registered made her horrified and nervous by its implications, she was frightened to her core just by thinking about it. \'No way..I would never..\'

Her thoughts were put to a stop by the dragon goddess\' congratulations, but it never left her mind only swirling in endless cycles waiting to gnaw on her conscience when she would be alone and without interruptions. "My, congratulations to both of you! You became a couple...I\'m a bit jealous now fufu~"

( `END` )

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