The Demon's Bride

Chapter 443: Family Ties-II

Chapter 443: Family Ties-II

Lucifer sat where he was, on his throne of his castle which was located in one of the most dangerous cliff in Hell. On his hand was a wine that he had not been able to taste as his body was separated form his soul for a very long time. Beside him was his loyal servant Malphas who readily poured the alcohol when his glass was empty.

Drinking the last sip, Lucifer tilted his glass leaning it toward Malphas, but when he noticed that his drink wasn\'t poured, his red eyes turned to his servant with one of his brows reached up. Noticing his blunder, Malphas then quickly tilted the head of the glass for Lucifer to smile a little, "It has been a very long time since I drink this wine from the human world. One of the reason why I never had the will to destroy the living world is this wine," and as if remembering something, a chuckle settled on his lips, "Lucy wanted to drink the alcohol but I always teased her for her lack of endurance," he then stared at the red liquid, "I should have let her tasted what she want when it was something this simple."

Malphas who was holding the bottom straight agains then puckered his lower lips. While other sees his master as a shrewd person which was not entirely wrong to say, but even a person with loose screw like him still had things he regret to do and people his hand could not reach. The servant shook his head, feeling the share of sadness on his master\'s behalf. "Lady Lucy was indeed a very lovely lady," she was one of the only few people who would greet him and called his name with a kind tone rather than a roll of eyes like his master always did.

"I have been bored having no entertainment during my drinking time. Thankfully it doesn\'t seem so now," Lucifer intoned, his eyes sweeping to see the people staked on the large cross pole where their hands and legs were tied as the three people were burned by continuous fire. Their screaming were a lovely tone to his ears. "I have a lot of things in this world that can be mine. Whether it is Hell, Heaven, or in mortal world. But it seem I took myself too highly. The only woman, my sister who I cared in this world have to die in the hands of humans like these," and as he spoke anger colored his eyes golden, his hold on the glass caused fracture to appear on the curved bowl. "She was burned to ashes. Not even her coffin was built for her, hah, for her to die in that fashion, do you know how much it angered me? Thankfully my nephew seem to understand my rage but you all have dragged him to Hell in a very wrong way."

And there it is, the sad side of his master, thought Malphas. Yes, he is shrewd all the way but also extremely lonely. "Master, I don\'t think they could hear you any longer."

"I know," Lucifer answered blandly, "but then I don\'t feel like speaking to them when their skin are not burn or if from heir mouth it is not screaming that I could listen too. It doesn\'t satisfy me to hear them screeching now, however; I should have done this in front of Lucy. She was such a kind sister so she would immediately request me not to do this but I... it is better to kill vermin like them rather than dying on their hands."

But— thought Malphas, that would only saddened Lady Lucy. If so then what is the need to show the torture in front of the lady? His master\'s thought was often so strange he could never grasp to understanding.

"By now I am curious, Mal, is that done on purpose?" Lucifer asked, frowning a little as he twirled his hand next to his forehead to make a point. "I sometimes wonder if you are cursing me in your mind because you thought it is you right or whether you forgot that I could read your mind. Which if the latter is the correct one, I really question your brain capacity for forgetting such an easy thing."

Malphas couldn\'t help his tongue, replying with, "You cannot ask me not to think, master. I don\'t think I would be able to do that."

Lucifer sharpened his eyes, his long black hair now fell across his black robe where it opened to allow others to see his toned chest and muscles of his torso, the carving muscles that could cause most men to sink in shame. The slit of the robe only lessened when it reached almost around his hips, "Good. Speaking back to me when you had the chance not to."

Malphas counted his star of his blessing, wondering if today would be the final day where he had successfully angered his master. He had always been on the edge of inquiring his master\'s rage since the first day he worked as Lucifer\'s servant but was dismissed with a few reason and today he could only hope on that few reason to surface.

Luckily, his wish was granted as Lucifer\'s brows flickered, his lips forming to a slow smile, "Beelzebub is on his way to trick Ian."

Malphas quickly knew what to do over his master\'s words. He left the place after carefully placing the bottle on the table, and went to take a crystal ball from the large glass shelf, bringing also a round table which he then settled in front of his throne. The crystal ball flickered, from its pitch black-colored glass then appeared a red swirl from the middle which gradually became larger and it moved the way a whirlpool did.

Above the crystal ball, then appeared a fog that turn to show an image where Ian appeared on the screen, is baritone voice he inherited from his uncle unknowingly then sounded a little curt and dull, "What is it?"

"The game had started, bring me something to eat with my wine," Lucifer said, waving off his hand and Malphas had to be quick on his feet to run away and came back with what his master had wanted and ordered.

As Malphas was also curious, he quickly brought whatever necessary and zapped back beside his master as he didn\'t want to miss what was going to happen. Last time, it ended too quickly, thought Malphas. He headed from his master that today, Beelzebub will have Ian to stab himself on his heart. Being a Demon, something so interesting rarely happen that could intrusive them. Therefore, the master and servant both stood in front of the screen, waiting to see.

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