Ball of Nothing

Chapter 337 Gorgon Makeover

Chapter 337 Gorgon Makeover

Freya was not the Goddess of Beauty for no reason. Zero might have read a lot of books but he was still no expert when it came to knowing what a makeover required.

Initially, Freya wasn’t too convinced about Zero’s plans but the young doctor was nothing but stubborn about it. He insisted that the only way to address a gorgon’s grief was to remove the ugliness in their hearts. Athena’s curse wasn’t a true curse. It was simply manifested according to the fallen titan’s will to what she thought would be best for Medusa and her sisters. However, now that she was dead, Zero believed that the magic can be moulded into something less horrifying with some help.

First, they had to go shopping for materials so Zero found himself at La Boutique once more, seating inside Ruban x Pointes and sipping on tea while Jen and Grem Lee busied away with the rushed order. Zero claimed that he would pay for whatever Freya ordered for Medusa and her sisters because it was part of his quest and he couldn’t allow Freya to pay for them.

\\"Only the best,\\" Zero told the goddess of Beauty who looked slightly hesitant at first. However, after Zero showed Freya how much money he had on his intergalactic communicator, her eyes sparkled.

That was how Zero found himself acting as the model for the three gorgon sisters.

\\"How about this?\\" Jen panted and carried in yet another beautiful light blue satin gown that had been embroidered with silk sashes and pearls.

Freya took one glance at it and hummed. She asked for a lilac one but this wasn’t it. Zero wanted three dresses for the sisters in the colours of the three divine sisters who would no longer be in heaven after they assimilated with him. He proposed for Medusa to wear white, Euryale to wear yellow and Stheno to wear lilac. However, the shop didn’t have any good lilac dresses so Zero asked Jen to recommend another colour close to lilac that represented a strong beauty.

\\"What do you think?\\" Freya asked Zero who examined the dress. So far, he had tried the yellow and white dresses and liked their designs very much. Grem is currently altering them so that they would fit the sisters. Zero looked at the flowing sashes and raised a brow. While it looked very elegant and feminine, Zero didn’t think that Stheno would like it very much. It was much too restricting for movements.

\\"Is there a dress without this much unnecessary ornaments? The woman wearing this is a more practical person whose actions speak louder than her words. However, it has to be something that will make her look respected, not to pale in comparison with the two other finalised dresses.\\"

Jen thought about it and sighed. The white dress that Zero selected was an hourglass-shaped silk gown with silk ribbon trims and soft braced support at the waist area. It was also strapless but tasteful enough that it doesn’t reveal a cleavage. The white dress was one befitting of a queen.

The yellow dress that Zero selected resembled something from a fairy tale. The yellow dress was very inspired by the medieval times that Merlin came from. It had a squarish neckline with long baggy sleeves that fanned out at the end, showing off a beautiful collarbone. The dress was made shorter than the white regal gown and had a flared skirt, giving the image of a very youthful girl instead of a lady. The colour made everything cheerful and it was a very huge contrast from the third gown that Zero wanted.

Jen’s sigh made Zero think. He learnt about many kinds of dresses from the books he read. However, looking at Stheno, he wondered if a dress was really the best thing for her to wear. Then an idea struck him.

\\"That’s it! Hanfu! We can create something similar to the robes that shifu wears. Qin Yun wears them sometimes and I think it will be great for Stheno. It’s very modest clothing that is easy for movement and also very beautiful. The ancient humans of Earth really knew how to make practical things beautiful and humble. It’s a shame they’re not really here anymore.\\"

Zero quickly sketched out what a hanfu dress looked like and even Freya was impressed. The design incorporated colours that were easier to find. Apart from the strip of lilac that ran down the middle of the dress’ bottom half, the rest of it was made from dark and light blue accents with black as the main body’s colour. Freya was impressed that Zero was able to think of such details when it came to choosing a dress for each gorgon. The three sisters were very different and Zero accurately captured their personalities with the dresses.

\\"Can this be done?\\" Zero asked after the sketch was complete and Jen immediately called for Grem.

The tailor was slightly annoyed to be disturbed from his work but it was a customer who requested his presence so he let it go. When Jen showed her teacher the sketch that Zero did, he raised a brow.

\\"Is this for a man or a woman? Hua Tuo wouldn’t be caught dead wearing this,\\" he said.

Zero had to hold back laughter when he heard that. He certainly couldn’t imagine his shifu wearing such eye-catching clothes. Hua Tuo was all about living the simple and humble lie so the image of his teacher wearing a hanfu that was more for royalty like Coux made him crack up badly.

After Zero explained how the hanfu dress worked and left the dresses to Grem’s care, He made the payment and left the store. Jeremy would contact them once the dresses were ready for collection. With the major stuff out of the way, Freya took Zero to the apothecary and beauty stores to find makeup and other beauty products.

Zeffery was very happy to see customers and offered Zero his best beauty potions from skin whitening to creams for removing dark eye circles. This time, Freya was the tester and the Goddess decided to buy some of the products for herself. She liked the hair conditioner very much and wanted to try smoothening her hair out to something like Isis’ style. As a Nordic goddess, her hair was often frizzy no matter what she did. However, after Zeffery demonstrated the uses of his hair conditioner for the first time, the fizzy red hair automatically became docile.

After the beauty treatment products were purchased, Zero stored what was needed for the gorgons in his inventory. He was going to have to borrow a bathhouse from Nirvana to conduct the beautification makeover.

\\"What’s left?\\" Freya asked and Zero checked his shopping list.

\\"We need some makeup. Not a lot but just enough to make them look less pale and gorgon like. I think some warm shades of face powder and eye colour will be good. Oh, we need rouge too, something pink that all pretty ladies have. Do you think we need to buy lip colour?\\"

Freya thought about it. \\"I don’t think so. Rogue can be used for the lips too, just get some rouge in the form of paper.\\"

Zero agreed and they shopped for the makeup products that Freya knew well. It was late in the evening when they finished their errands so Freya decided to return to Heaven with Zero for the night. Zero followed the Great Goddess back and slept over at her house. He took a look at the barren Mount Olympia and noticed that already, a small patch was green.

\\"Eros must be working very hard,\\" he mused and Freya laughed.

\\"He should be. We should sleep for now. Jeremy did say that the gowns would be ready first thing tomorrow. Hades and Zeus said that we should host the wedding at the House of Great Gods. The Great Gods will be there to witness it so I hope Athena’s soul can rest in peace after this.\\"

Zero nodded. \\"Me too. Tanya is helping me to recollect the fragments of Athena’s soul and spirit. They have started showing up in the Natural plane more now. Once it is over, I will present the crystalised version of Athena’s remaining existence to Poseidon for keeping.\\"

Freya yawned. \\"I’m sure Athena will be happy about it. Go to sleep, Zero. We need to wake up early tomorrow.\\"

Zero complied and tried his best to sleep but the sky in Heaven was always too bright. With a sigh, Zero gave up and quietly teleported away to his lamp for the night.

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After collecting the dresses. Zero waited for Freya to turn up at Nirvana with the three sisters. In the meantime, he was busy setting up the bathing pond. The bath bombs that Zeffery sold him worked wonders and Zero hoped the gorgons liked it. He also enchanted the water to weaken the aesthetic effects of Athena’s blessing. The initial blessing still remained but Zero rewrote it so that the sisters wouldn’t follow Athena’s pre-determined appearances. The snake tail was still there and the petrification effect of those eyes remained. In addition, the gorgons retained all their abilities from seeing in the dark, causing hallucination with their voices and breathing underwater. The only thing Zero was reverting was the gorgon sisters’ original appearances.

Freya didn’t take long to bring the guests over. They used Freya’s portal at Valhalla to come over and while the gorgons were puzzled by the sudden development, Poseidon had informed them about it beforehand to keep them calm.

\\"Medusa! Euryale! Stheno! Welcome to Nirvana! Buddha allowed me to borrow this bathing house for a while. We’re going to give you three a makeover with Freya’s help. Please take a bath and enjoy the water, it’s alright to open your eyes while you’re in it. Nobody will be disturbing you and if they do, feel free to turn them to stone. People who peek on ladies bathing should be punished.\\"

The gorgons laughed at Zero’s explanation and started relaxing in the water once Zero and Freya took their leave. Medusa was initially surprised by how well prepared everything was. They had flower petals and salt minerals in the water as well as some potions and cream for aftercare. There were also clothing, makeup and accessories readied for each gorgon with a small note written by the teen.

\\"Oh my, Zero really has a very good fashion sense. Is this what I think it is?\\" Euryale giggled.

Stheno couldn’t help but admire her new dress. \\"This is beautiful, I’ve never seen a dress like this before. Do you think Poseidon and the Great Gods will keep their end of the deal? Whoever Zero is, he’s rather important to be influencing their decisions.\\"

Medusa didn’t say anything. Poseidon did say that he owed Zero a great deal and her heart was heavy. She was very happy when Poseidon declared his feelings for her and officially asked for her hand in marriage which she agreed to. However, she also learnt that Zero was doing this because of a quest from a divine sister. Her heart was conflicted. She wanted to believe that Zero was doing this out of kindness rather than because of a quest but she couldn’t complain. She’d never been this happy in a long while.

Euryale and Stheno sensed their sister’s distress and smiled. \\"Don’t think too much. You’re going to be somebody’s wife very soon. The journey we experienced might have been harsh but let’s put that behind us, shall we? It’s hard-earned happiness at the cost of many lives.\\"

Medusa looked at her sisters and nodded. \\"Shall we try the rose-scented soap? I didn’t know roses could be used for soaps. I’ve only ever grown them in gardens and put them in vases.\\"

Stheno rolled her eyes. \\"Doesn’t really matter. I’m just happy to finally be able to take a bath after who knows how long. We won’t be late for the ceremony if we took a slightly longer time, will we?\\"

Euryale squealed with joy and swam in the pond, splashing around. \\"Zero said to take all the time we want. If Poseidon could wait for a thousand years, a few more days wouldn’t kill him.\\"

Medusa laughed at her sisters’ bickering and sighed, relaxing in the water. Euryale was right. It had been way too long since everything happened. It should be time they left the past in the past where it belonged.

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