Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 260 Returning Home

Chapter 260 Returning Home

"I know," I said as I looked at the being in front of me. "But I can protect those that need it, and that is what I am going to do."

"You are foolish to think that you can stop me," the being said, and I shook my head.

"No, I am not," I said as I stood up to my full height. "I may not be able to control you, but together, we are stronger than anything else in this universe. Work with me so I can learn how to control your power."

The being was silent as it considered my words before we were thrown across the universe to a gas giant much more significant than Jupiter, covered in swirling storms. We dropped down into one of the storms where lights flashed around, but there was a pattern in them, and I could see them interacting.

"What is this place?" I asked as I looked around, and the being just smirked.

"This is my power source; it is what gives me the strength to do what I do," the being said as it floated over to one of the lights and started to coalesce into a humanoid shape. "You have much to learn."

I nodded as I looked at the being before me and knew so little about it.

"If this is your power source, then why are you all the way over here?" I asked as I looked at the being, and it just shrugged.

"It doesn\'t matter; what does matter is that you will never be able to control me," the being said, and I could see the smirk on its face.

"We will see about that," I said as I charged forward with everything I had, but it was like hitting a brick wall. The being just stood there and took my attack before punching me in the stomach, sending me flying back.

I hit the barrier around us hard before falling to the ground in pain as blood started to pour out of my mouth. The being floated over and grabbed me by the throat before slamming me into one of the walls.

"You are so weak; it is pathetic," the being said as it squeezed tighter, and I could feel my body start to give out. "Just give up now, and I will make your death quick."

I stopped and looked down at the suit that was barely holding together. Why was I still wearing this thing?

I blasted a hole in the space of the Great Red Eye\'s prison, and he was blown back. I ripped my suit like it was paper, and I was me again.

"You can not control...me?" The Great Red Eye asked as he burst through my dimensional tear.

My roots had already filled the space, and I focused on the beaming ultraviolet light from thousands of points after scanning him. This was an energy-based being that had its planet consumed by its star that collapsed and shifted to a red giant, but from how it happened, Star Child thought that someone added mass to the sun to cause this, but he was there. I had notes in my mind from the information he collected, and now it was helping me trap this thing that was a storm of something that could be no better described as angry ghosts.

"No, but I can contain you," I said as the Great Red Eye struggled in my grasp. "And that is what I am going to do. You are going to help me protect those that need it."

The Great Red Eye was silent as it considered my words before finally nodding. "Fine, but know that I will always be trying to escape."

"I know," I said as I looked at the being in front of me. I knew he was full of regret because he had kept his people\'s essence somehow after death and created the being that was the Great Red Eye now. I was going to have to figure out how to release those people, but that would be for another day.

For now, I had what I needed, and together, we could protect Earth and its inhabitants. But that gave me an idea as I brought my Memory Crystal to my forehead.

"What is that thing?" The storming figure asked me from the place where my lights pinned him.

"Your new home, and all you people. I will place you in a place where you all can practice relaxing for as long as you all need. If your people are still with you, then that means I can activate their consciousness inside my crystal and one day even give them and you a real body," I explained, closing my eyes and shaping a world from a memory of Yellow Knife park in the Yukon.

I had gone there with Melody and her grandparents when we were younger, so I figured it was a pretty relaxing place. It was no storm, but it was a start, and I placed the Great Red Eye inside before sealing it up.

I put the crystal down by my heart as I felt power enter me from it. The Great Red Eye would help me protect Earth, but he would also help me protect all of the other planets that needed it. Together, we would be able to keep everyone safe.

This whole thing had been a pain in the ass, but I had done it, and now I was back in the dimension inside the storm, but the place was starting to fall apart. That was no good, so I created a spaceship that would be able to keep everyone safe for the trip back to Earth, but this was child\'s play now.

The Jupitarians all came out to see, but I guided everyone directly into the ship that sucked all their power slowly the moment each of them got in. The ship would store the energy and keep them alive on the trip back to Earth. Lilith was the last to get in, and I looked at her with a smile.

"Ready for this?" I asked, and she nodded as she hugged me tightly before getting on the ship.

I watched as it took off before flying up next to it, and we made our way back to Earth, where everyone would finally be safe. The entire time I moved in the vacuum of space in a gravity bubble, I thought about how I would explain this. I had just been gone for three hours now, but a year and a half had passed, and I had been through a lot.

I was also going to have to explain Lilith, but I was more than ready to face the three dragon sisters when they came. I had come so far, and now I was finally able to protect everyone I loved.

"Papi?!" Sofia cried, and I grinned as her face appeared in my view as I flew past the moon.

"Sorry, I got lost in a storm," I said as I slowed down, coming up to Earth. "But I am home now."

"We couldn\'t contact you, and even Gaia and Dawn were worried!" Sofia complained, and I sighed.

"A lot happened, and I have been gone for longer than three hours. I have a ship full of people that need to be contained for a while, and I consume a being that was trapped in the red storm of Jupiter. The people I rescued are also the ones that seeded Earth," I said, and Sofia stayed quiet for a bit which was pretty surprising. Out of all my wives, she hardly was ever without something to say.

"You really have been busy," She said, and I chuckled.

"Yeah, well, I have a lot to tell you all when I get there," I said as the Central Forest came into view.

I flew into the middle of the forest where everyone was waiting for me, including my wives and Annokale Generals. As soon as I landed, they all rushed me with questions that were assaulting my mind from every direction.

I closed my mind for a moment as my wives all put up their hands to make everyone quiet as I set the ship down slowly. I ordered my clone in Area 51 to capture the Shalgoth and bring everyone home. I still had people in my mind, cubes in my chest, and a lot of work left to do, but things we no longer dire.

"I am not going to tell you all, but I will show you all," I said, and my roots extended to everyone, and I let them all experience what I had just gone through but just not feeling. It happened in an instant, and almost everyone around me gasped out.

Even my wives were speechless as I looked at all of them before letting my mind reach out and touch the Earth. Gaia came over to me and hugged me as the planet seemed to understand that I was back. Dawn also came over, and soon Melody and all the rest surrounded me.

The end of Volume Two: Preparation For An Intergalactic Invasion.

Volume Three: Planetary Invasion: Battle For Earth begins tomorrow!

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