Villain Reborn: Netori Harem in an Erotic RPG!

Chapter 50 12: Balgura Attacks! [1]

Gwen and Lucifer were walking around the town happily, forgetting ever brutalising the Hero or damaging his ability as a man in his rage by making a blood clot that would stop him from ever getting erect for life.

"Hurry to the gates—get every weapon and able warrior you can!"

"Hmmm?" Lucifer could hear the villagers in the distance; Jeff\'s voice was also shouting about getting weapons and warriors..."

Suddenly his cute wife pulled his arm, "Darling... you aren\'t the hero, so let\'s enjoy our date and have that little chode save everyone..." Her pretty eyes flickered with concern despite her words, her pointed ears twitching as Jeff called for help.

"Quick... I\'ll put money forward! My savings for a wife... We don\'t have time!"

Lucifer knew what Gwendolyn meant, but these people were not strangers... He squeezed her trembling hand with a wry smile, \'Just how much does this woman love the idea of dating me.\' Before he stopped walking towards the town centre.

"But Gwen, these people have been good to you all your life here, especially Jeff and the old men rushing to the walls despite not being warriors..." His voice was soothing and gentle as she looked at him with wet eyes.

"And I know you want to save them, too, right?" He brushed her soft cheeks with a warm smile, putting their foreheads together with a thud."Look at you listening to their words as best you can."


Lucifer looked into the distance and could feel the powerful presence radiating from the eastern forest as it moved towards the town rapidly.

He didn\'t know what it was, but someone the only group entering there was him and Gwen each day, so this was more than likely something they had caused with their daily bear massacre.

"Gwen, we will never be seen as the heroes of this world from the moment we step from this small town." Lucifer\'s voice became solemn, like a priest giving his last sermon."But that\'s why we shouldn\'t care about our labels."

"If you want to save them, then save them. If you want to kill, then kill them."

"Rather than being a hero or villain, let\'s live in a way that makes us happy, okay?"

Once he accepted, her face became calmer—standing on her tiptoes, she gently kissed his cheek before licking him with a cheeky grin. "I just wanted to lick you~ hehe."

Lucifer grabbed her by the waist before his legs tightened and launched them into the air, leaping as fast as possible towards the gate. Gwen\'s excited and shrill screeching filled the village with a strange atmosphere that broke the downcast people at the gate.


The pair landed on the ground beside Jeff, creating a deep hole as he pulled his foot out from the dirt. "Oh! Hey Jeff, we\'re here to help!" Like shopping at the supermarket and meeting an old friend, Lucifer greeted the stressed Jeff.

"Ah... fuck am I glad to see your handsome ass! It\'s going to be dangerous, are you sure?"

Gwen wrapped around his body before Lucifer could speak, her face filled with a brilliant smile, "do you think I would let him say no? This town is my home."

"Hahaha!" Jeff\'s face became less pale and worried each moment they reassured him that he was no longer on the edge of a cliff.

He began to explain what was going on.

Meanwhile, the villagers and old men were hammering the gates with steel plates, sharp wooden spikes and making extra long spears for the villagers to use to attack safely. Even the tailor was helping with her plump body and permed hair.

"For some reason, the legendary beast has been spotted in the central forest and is moving close to here..." Jeff took a moment to breathe, drinking water from his canteen and looking at the beautiful couple, not even phased by the words.

"At first, we thought it was a prank, but 5 adventurers have already been mauled and torn into shreds thinking it was a normal bear."

Lucifer thought to himself, wondering what legendary beast it could be, while Jeff continued speaking, "They weren\'t nobodies, 2 of them being D-Rank and the other\'s E-Rank... so we can say the monster is at least level 15-20 killing them with ease...."

Gwen looked towards the sound\'s direction and thundered rapidly, closing in on their location—her eyes closed as she seemed to sense something.

Quietly Lucifer did the same, as they felt every movement and breath of the approaching beasts. "It\'s level 37, the smaller bears 24-27," Lucifer\'s flat voice sounded.

"There are 5 small bears and one large bear... it\'s angry and filled with sorrow." Gwen added.

"Eh?" Jeff looked at the two saying these numbers, yet there was no fear or worry on their faces... He couldn\'t help but think they might be insane!

Lucifer didn\'t have time to consider his friend\'s mind or feelings because even for them, this would be a hard battle, but he felt confident even without using his last resort, thanks to the new daggers from Bernard and Gwen\'s spear.

Gwen straightened herself before speaking to Jeff in her gruff guard commander\'s voice, which caused even the surrounding guards to straighten up from her regal and authoritative voice.

"Jeff, we shall take guard outside—you and the others fortify the walls and support with ranged weapons, do not leave the gate and fight with pikes should the situation need."

"But Gwendolyn..." Jeff responded with a worried look... so did the other guards. All worshipped Gwen like their big sister and didn\'t want to see her hurt.I think you should take a look at

"Why are you all like fucking abandoned dogs? Consider it my last order before I retire as a guardsman entirely... Plus, I have this sexy shield to protect me, right darling?" She winked at the guards while pulling Lucifer\'s shoulder.

"Big sis..." Jeff shook his head as he was about to argue; without Matt, there wasn\'t enough attacking power, and he knew how strong Gwen became, thanks to Lucifer. "Be safe.. please don\'t get hurt—we all love you both."

It might have been nothing to Gwen and Lucifer to toss one of two of the extra bear corpses to the guards.

Still, this single gesture meant that none of them or their families went without meat for the past few weeks—even the money donated was beyond their imagination after she started questing.

The guards were so enamoured with the two that one could say even if the world turned against them, these 10 men would stand by them.

Another secret to why they accepted Lucifer was he helped them often at night when their vision was bad, and they almost died in a wolf ambush. He saved them several times in the forest and asked for nothing, not even the corpses.

"Let\'s get ready, Gwen."

"The bear is less than 700 metres away—the door needs to be closed, have anyone who can grab a bow or crossbow." Lucifer\'s voice was just like Gwen\'s, with a strange feeling of coercion as his back turned to the group before dashing forward.

"Gwen, stay here—I will cull the smaller bears so we can focus on the huge one."

Jeff was about to speak out, telling him to stay here, but Lucifer\'s body vanished like a chameleon—only a faint outline of a man dashing into the trees slowly.

"Do not worry—my husband is the strongest," Gwen whispered into the wind before reluctantly turning away and dashing to the wall to help finish the reinforcements and give orders to idle people.

"You there grab that hammer and start nailing the planks down! Kaleb! Stop focusing on the right wall and reinforce the centre!"

A moment later, the procession from the church finally came swaggering without even a slight hint they would help repair the gate.

Heading them was Bishop Estella, and the Knight Captain Percival, while following behind, was the Hero with a bruised neck and black eye. The saintess standing beside him with a serene face and faint smile, maintaining a 2-metre distance between herself and the Hero, despite his attempts to speak with her.

"What is this riff-raff? Open the gate and let the Hero through." Knight Captain Percival, all pumped with machoism from his night with Estella, bellowed to show off, looking back at her with a smug look whispering, "Watch these peons scatter in fear of your man\'s might." in a calm voice to Estella, who looked bored.

One of the villagers was about to open the gate when...


Gwen\'s muscular leg slammed out, smashing into the gate and closing it firmly, while she grabbed several heavy pieces of wood and blocked it from the outside.

"The gate shall not be opened—the enemy is close." Gwen\'s eyes were narrow, her aura and ferocity pumping around her with each second she looked at the disgusting hero and his chaperone.

Feeling his pride scratched, Percival then used the good old Hero card, which the church knights loved to throw around.

"You dare stop the Hero and his grand mission! I will have you excommunicated and banished!"

However... Gwen hopped onto the top of the wooden gate, her agile body easily standing on the 30cm wide gate, looking down on the priests, bishop and knight, then sneering as she showed her beautiful and delicate white fangs.

"I do not care about your human hero—he is garbage that couldn\'t even take a single hit from my beloved and started crying for his life."

"Tell me, why should I let him embarrass himself?"


As she was speaking, an extremely loud sound came from the forest, like trees being smashed and uprooted before a huge ball suddenly shot from the sky, before it smashed into the ground and exploded into a wave of blood mist.


Blood splatter and organ mush sprayed over the priests and Hero, yet somehow it missed the saintess completely as her body danced with grace and allure, eye fixated on the distant forest with a sweet smile.

"See~ the real hero this village needs is fighting alone, crushing these beasts, showing them who is the real king of this world." Her voice grew quieter as she continued, stepping off the gate as the huge banging sounds grew worse—every few minutes, a huge bear\'s corpse would be sent flying into the village.

However, it was amazing. It missed everyone and only harassed the Hero\'s group even when they moved.

"Everyone, it\'s time to fight—grab a long pike! The lassie and my boy are fightin\', so we must help \'em too!" Bernard yelled, stepping onto a box to see over the wall, holding a long spear with his smile deforming his little beard.

"Ohhh! The old man, Bernard, wants to fight! Let\'s go, men; we can\'t let our cute granddaughter fight alone!" Many men climbed the wall, holding strange bows with modifications and crossbows as they stood firmly without fear.

Seeing this, everyone began to get into place, ignoring the church and hero, causing Percival to become enraged.

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