The Human Giant

Chapter 283 283: Fighting For One Sect Point

The Mission Collection room took up the entire fourth floor. It was only wide and long enough to fit around 1000 people at a time, yet it was hardly at its full capacity. When they arrived, the entire floor only had ten people inside the room.

Four of them are behind counters with a giant board of missions, alongside their star difficulty, a brief description, and rewards. As for the remaining six people, they were a group of young men and women fiercely arguing about the division of their mission rewards.

"Leala, don\'t make me your enemy! I will make your life a living hell! This reward is mine since I took on the mission!" 

Just as Yoze and everyone stepped out of the giant pillar and made their way to the counters. They saw a blue-haired and blue-eyed young man in his late teens screaming at a red-haired young woman.

The young man frowned deeply as he purposely lifted his sleeves before crossing his arms to show the twin dragon tattoos on his arm. Noticing the prideful look in the young man\'s eyes, Yoze checked to see the reaction of the immortals beside him and saw that they couldn\'t care less about the immortal cultivators arguing about their share of the rewards.

Since several counters were available, they just walked up to an open counter and were about to get their reward. But when the blue-haired young man noticed the immortals, his face changed.

"Who gives a rat\'s ass if you took on the mission? My brother did all the work, so we should get the reward! Since my brother is so nice, he wanted to split the one Sect Point we got."

"You are not only ungrateful, but you are even threatening me and my brother! Hmph, you better watch your words carefully, or you might find yourself wishing to have written a will."

The young woman who the young man screamed at seemed to have not noticed the shock on his face and continued to shout and curse him for his greed. If it wasn\'t for the fact that another young man was desperately holding her back from mauling the blue-haired young man, she would have torn his face off.

With her body restrained and angered by her brother\'s steed, she reached down to grab her slipper from her feet and wanted to slap it over the young man\'s head.

"Sister, stop. Let them take the reward this time. It\'s just a single Sect Point. We can always get another one." Just as the Leala\'s slipper was about to slap the shocked blue-haired young man\'s face, a thin hand grabbed her wrist.

The young man restraining his sister quickly reacted to his sister\'s attack and grabbed her wrist before it landed. Noticing that the man seemed to be one of the main actors in this situation, Yoze paid more attention to the young man.

The young man looked to be in his early twenties, but his thin stature, lack of muscles, and the stunning long robe that touched the floor allowed him to give off a younger feeling. Even though the young man wanted to ease the tension within their group, it was easy to tell from his muttering that he wasn\'t happy and was lying to his sister.

Instead of cooling his raging sister, her eyes began twitching as she gripped her slipper harder before leaning to grab her last slipper from her feet. Before the young man could react to his sister\'s ferocious attack, her slipper slapped the blue-haired young man\'s head.


The loud slap of the slipper hitting flesh shattered the remaining peaceful atmosphere the Mission Collection room had as all the sect employees looked over at the arguing group with interest. Watching all this happen, Immortal Scotty frowned deeply as he saw the sect employee grabbing his reward suddenly stop. 

It was clear from her trembling hands and pale face that she was frightened by the fight that seemed on the verge of happening. Even though she was a sect employee, she was only a simple mortal.

She didn\'t even practice martial arts to strengthen herself, so she was completely defenseless if a fight happened. Just the mere gusts of wind from the fight could end her life, so it was no wonder she became too frightened to move.

"You have done it now; you\'re going to pay for the consequences of your actions! Restrain them before the guards come over!"I think you should take a look at

Snapping out of his shock, the blue-haired young man touched his head to find that the area had become swollen to the point that it was the size of an apple. Feeling a sharp pain from a slight touch to his swollen head, the blue-haired young man shouted in anger for the three remaining people in their group to restrain Leala and her brother.

"So annoying. Yoze, deal with that rowdy group of immortal cultivators and kick them out of the fourth floor. If you must, crush their bones and organs until they cooperate." Unable to take it any longer, Immortal Scotty calmly gave Yoze an order knowing full well that he would take care of it.

"Very weird. Why are these people arguing over one Sect Point? Is there anything you can buy with that?"

"Also, there are so many missions that offer way more Sect Points. Why is greed taking over?" Yoze shook his head as he felt that he might have undervalued the importance of Sect Points after seeing this fierce display.

But he wasn\'t in the mood to find out who was in the wrong or who was right with this group of people. He was given the order to kick them out of the fourth floor, not to kill or injure them.

From the fact that a real fight was about to break out, Yoze knew from the sect rules he learned on his way here that powerful guards would be sent to deal with the troublemakers. But since he could use this opportunity to get on Immortal Scotty\'s good side as well as improve his relationship with Immortal Patty and Immortal Miessy, he would take it.

Without saying a word, he manipulated his blood into a thick net before throwing it at all six people. Before they could react to Immortal Scotty\'s surprising orders, they all were trapped inside Yoze\'s blood net.

"What the hell! Let me go, me and my brother are not in the wrong! Damn, why is this so heavy?" Leala screamed with frustration in her voice before it quickly turned into shock.

She tried her best to rip apart Yoze\'s blood net but struggled to find enough strength to move her body due to the weight of the net. Even when she found herself capable of gathering enough strength to attempt to rip the net with her hands, she found it to be extremely durable and slightly stretchy.

With all her strength absorbed into the net, she and the remaining five people found that the more they struggled, the tighter Yoze\'s blood net became. By the end of it, they were so squished together and the net so tight that they feared that if they moved slightly, it would cut through their skin and flesh.

"Please let me go; we need the Sect Point to cure my brother\'s sickness." 

Knowing she couldn\'t use brute force to escape, Leala stopped her fruitless struggle and tried to plead with Yoze. She knew there was a real possibility that she could lose this mission\'s rewards for causing chaos.

With everything she and her brother had gone through to acquire this Sect Point, she was near her breaking point. If it wasn\'t for the fact that they had picked greedy and shameless teammates this time, she wouldn\'t have caused her brother to suffer.

Even though Yoze could tell from Leala\'s expression that she was sincere, he simply shook his head and threw them into the pillar. He knew that even if he didn\'t take the initiative to throw them out, the guards that were about to arrive would.

The moment all six people entered the pillar, Yoze retrieved his blood and watched them be forcefully lifted to the higher-level floors. As for what happened to them after they reached their destination, he didn\'t think about it and shifted his attention back to collecting his Sect Points.

"I wonder how many Sect Points I am going to get from beating two people. It must be higher than one, right?" As Yoze walked back to Alosa\'s side, he couldn\'t help but worry that he had drastically overestimated how many Sect Points he would get.

After seeing that a group of six people tried to share a single sect point, the possibility that Sect Points could be divided and earned in fractions made Yoze feel that his two fights could have been all for a small fraction of a Sect Point. 

"If I earn less than a single Sect Point, I am going to have to re-evaluate if showing so much of my strength and risk exposing myself was worth it." 

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