New Game+

Chapter 169 - Charles’ Experiments

Magantae couldn\'t believe it. Suddenly, a high priority message was received. The hi-tech eye lens she wore displayed the image.

Commander Drinths knew that such crucial information was vital and so, using their override settings that could catch the attention of the African government, Drinths sent the picture and a detailed report of the compositions of the dildo.

It was risky. Although they were the WGP, they could not, in their current position of power, interfere with the proceedings of a country even if they were at war. And yet, against this reality, the urgency and shocking progression of events still made Drinths conclude that the Fleet Admiral would only punish him if he failed to send those files immediately.

Lowengren paused awkwardly.

Alean took a deep breath containing the anger of what Lowengren would say next. She knew what the succeeding sentences of Lowengren would be thanks to her Skill.

"Me and the Lieutenant here are… sexually compatible. I have to show them my fearless side and to constantly portray myself as someone who cannot be… distracted. But since I\'m married…"

Alean slowly nodded.

"Only a select few in the army knows of this." Lowengren did his best to sound calm, but a turbulent shaking was apparent even as he spoke.

Admiral Magantae revealed a shocked face as she was unable to close the large, wide-opening in her mouth. She would have screamed and cursed if she could. But the stunning events robbed her of her voice.

"Are these really dildos?" Magantae turned to the Commander and asked in an aghast expression.

"Ye-yes. Admiral. Drinths just confirmed it. The report clearly states it. The dildos have no other unusual properties or haven\'t been hiding any specific techs apart from the commonplace science applied to these dildos."

"Commonplace science in dildos?!" Magantae was astounded.

"Height, length, feel, glossiness, slipperiness, flexibility…" Lowengren sighed and listed the sciences which made up a good dildo.

"SHUT UP!" Magantae cursed. She glared angrily at Lowengren who despite wearing a mask, was obviously avoiding Magantae\'s line of sight.

"Why is there a box of dildos? If General Hirock has this relationship with this Lieutenant, shouldn\'t one just be enough? There must be some secret to it! Check the chemical composition of those dildos. Perhaps the drugs are mixed in with the properties of the dildo." Magantae ordered.

"Commander Drinths already did as you have asked, Admiral. No other element in all those dildos could be used to create something else." The Commander replied.

Magantae was furious.

"Alright General. Explain to me why you need over a dozen dildos?" Magantae growled as the blue light of the Exoskeleton that Magantae piloted grew brighter and brighter.

"B-BDSM!" Lowengren answered with great fear.

The lights disappeared and there was silence once more.

"BDSM!" Magantae repeated angrily. It took much control to keep her voice steady and not shout and choke the life out of Lowengren.

"Esteemed Fleet Admiral. This revelation may be disgusting and disturbing. But that is all to it. I am a adulterer. You can charge me for that, but I do not have any connections to any drug related or human trafficiking organizations. The reason why I ordered several dildos is that our fantasies involve-"

"Enough. I don\'t want to hear it. Get me the report you need or I swear I will blast your damned base to smithereens! You have one hour!" Magantae left and jumped as the Exoskeleton which was hovering nearby dove in and wore itself on her.

With great haste, the Admiral zoomed away. The commander followed suit as it hastily followed the Admiral.

Alean and Lowengren finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Really? Kinky stuff?" Alean cursed.

"I didn\'t have a choice. I didn\'t expect them to be so fast. Damn. I underestimated their techs. It seems the WGP isn\'t something to be easily trifled with. Luckily, it looks like they didn\'t damage our dildos." Lowengren sighed in relief.

"How did you know that she wasn\'t the Admiral that was supposed to be assigned here?"

"First is the fact that she hid her own name. The second is the fact that she didn\'t know General Hirock\'s name. The Africans are very secretive of their General\'s identity and location as the enemy could use a General\'s own style and methods to his or her own disadvantage. However, if she really was the WGP Admiral assigned to watch over this area, she would have known that this was Hirock\'s location. But instead, the two needed that other Commander\'s message to reveal who I am."

"Sometimes I wonder what goes on in the heads of people like you and Arthur."

"Here\'s the simple answer. She tried to deceive me."

"Now that I can understand. No deceiving the deceiver. Would there be a problem with the fact that she found our-errr… I mean- your dildos?" 

"Nope. Her quick and angry retreat meant she had no other ways to blackmail us. That\'s why she left threatening us with force."

Alean then started to chuckle.

"What\'s with the laugh?"

"Nothing. I\'m just curious about what will happen next. I know you. They blackmailed you. You wouldn\'t ignore this as it would be too fun for you. Is this going to be your next game?"

Lowengren laughed.

"Oh please. You make it sound like you have no intention of playing around with them! In terms of blackmailing, I bow to you, my Queen." Lowengren laughed.

"My reason is different. You find joy in deceiving people and making them go through the myriad emotions of anger, disappointment, and despair. For me, it\'s a matter of pride. I don\'t let anyone blackmail me and I simply have to pay them back."

"Whatever. I know that if I had no interest in messing with these folks, you would force me to. Still… This will be fun. I can\'t make proper deception because you always ask me to tone it down. This will be the first where you will actually be approving of whatever it is I plan to do with them." Lowengren laughed excitedly. It was as if the evil, conniving, bad-mouthing side of Lowengren emerged from a deep slumber.

"Regardless… this is beneficial. If we can trick this Admiral… we might have an important ally within the WGP. And that\'s that Seeker never had in his future." Alean anticipated.


One small device that was attached to Lowengren\'s suit lit up.

"Just in time. Charles seemed to be finished with whatever it is he\'s planning. Let\'s go meet the General." Lowengren laughed.

On their way down, Lowengren gave several commands to copy several specific videos. Alean could not help but be curious at Lowengren\'s plan.

The group then went off and walked to a secret facility on the underground.

This area had no cameras or any hi-tech devices. The chambers were primitive and dark. There were no lights. Some rooms were designed with sharp weapons that had already rusted to be hanging on the wall. The bloodstains in some rooms were not cleaned.

Lowengren and Alean walked past all of the bloodied halls of the captured and tortured terrorist and enemy soldiers. Howls of pain and anguish could be heard echoing in the distance.

Lowengren was frowning but Alean did not mind it all.

Soon they reached the far end of the dungeon. The pair passed several rooms, closing the door as they walked inside. No one was there and no soldier stood to guard it.

Eventually, they reached the last of the rooms. Upon opening, three figures greeted them.

The first was a man who had several strange skin conditions. The skin of his flesh was gruesome and puss was oozing on many parts of his body.

The second figure was that of a cleanly shaved man with a slight burn on his right eye. He was sitting upright on top of a bed with the constraints and chains on the bed no longer bounded on him. The third was a woman who remained seated and gagged on a seat.

Alean was shocked to see the unbound man.

"Looks like you didn\'t need me after all." Lowengren laughed.

The man with various skin ailments and puss coming out of his skin nodded.

"The reason why General Hirock was the only person who did research on this disease is because it is claiming the life of his daughter. He\'s a loving man who did everything for his family. He would even betray his country to heal her daughter."

"Okie Dokie… But General… first things first. While I was pretending to be you, I made it look like that you and the Lieutenant General are into some hardcore BDSM stuff. So just inform your wife and family and move on."

"BD-What?" The calm General\'s expression changed.

"Never mind. We\'ll talk about that later. The situation remains as crucial as ever. Please reveal yourself to him." Charles requested.

Lowengren pulled off his mask revealing a burnt right eye.

"Lowengren! So you are alive. Several of my colleagues fought you on last year\'s battle." The General laughed.

"General Hirock. It\'s a pleasure to talk to you in this circumstance. I presume that the Lieutenant General is not yet open to joining the good guys."

"I don\'t care who the good guys are. The African scientists proved useless in aiding my daughter. What exactly is this disease?" Hirock asked as he glanced at Charles\'s own body.

"The disease has nothing to do with my current state. Don\'t misunderstand. I am not looking for the cure of this disease to heal myself. I am doing it for Ricardo."

"Who\'s Ricardo?" Hirock asked.

"Ricardo Corentine. Son of Crest Corentine."

"Crest Corentine? Isn\'t that the Pangean doctor who was briefly engaged to Charles?" Hirock pondered.

"The very same. Our relationship is a complicated matter. Just know that I want to cure that boy."

"Tell Lowengren what you know," Charles ordered.

"Hold on. Now that I think about it… That face… you\'re Alean Cipril?" The General was confused.

"The very same." Alean smiled.

"That\'s not makeup… Did you acquire those marks during the Australian Avarice?"

"No. We burned our right eye and created these marks. Don\'t worry about it. It will heal. Please share what you know about this disease." Alean spoke respectfully.

"Too many mysteries in this room." Hirock took a few moments to compose himself.

"Alright. The disease is an unknown strain that technically does not fall into any categories or types of diseases. It\'s not bacteria, viruses, prions, and all those things. This is the reason why the African government abandoned this research. It was aiming to weaponized this disease but since they could not even find the cause of this disease, they abandoned it and quarantined my daughter for fear of infecting others. However, me and my wife I have spent most of our lives caring for my daughter and it has yet to infect others."

"That\'s basically the same conclusions that Charles encountered which prompted him to infiltrate this nation. Please tell us something useful." Lowengren frowned.

"Our scientist has determined that the cause of this disease is the child\'s DNA. Simply put, the DNA of my daughter is wired in a way that it will kill herself. It happens randomly and would be severe in nature. One minute my daughter\'s fine, the next her body decides that the left arm is not there and she\'s paralyzed. It\'s like the DNA of my daughter randomly presses the kill-switch at any given moment. If not for modern technology that we use for super-soldiers in the enhancement which stimulates my daughter\'s body to focus on growth and maintain its function, she would have died. But even then, her body becomes more and more critical. It\'s as if…" Hirock was choking up as tears were gathering in his eyes.

"It\'s as if her body itself does not want to live." Charles continued.

"I discovered this disease when I was trying to cure Ricardo. I didn\'t understand the nature of the disease. After New Great Britain recalled me, I settled in Ireland, my hometown. What I didn\'t know was that Honey was also recalled to Europe."

"Honey?" Alean repeated.

"Crest Corentine. That\'s her nickname. She too was recalled and I guess with the world ending, I finally got the courage to face her once more. We had no time to reminisce about this reunion though. She was desperate. She asked me to help her because her son had started to show some strange signs of the disease that killed her husband."

"So an adult can have this?" Hirock asked.

"I concluded that this disease is a genetic problem. Sometimes the parents suffer from the disease, other times it does not. He was the only case I found that occurred in an adult. But in Europe, there were no other incidents of this case. Crest was so brokenhearted at the mysterious death of her husband that she became obsessed with this disease. And when she checked on her son, she discovered the same cells active. It was still on the early phases and so she managed to stabilize her son. It\'s been a year since she discovered the disease and she is nowhere near being cured."

"I see. So you were planning on using the Unlocking as a tool to heal Ricardo."

"The what?" Hirock interrupted.

"For now, just listen, General. The adults are talking." Lowengren countered.

Hirock knew his place and kept silent.

"Yes. The Unlocking is the obvious choice to try. I had already been experimenting on introducing Unlocked cells to a person. I thought that if the Neuro- Transcellular phenomenon is caused by a heightened brain being capable of recoding the entire DNA structure of a person, I theorized, what if I did the opposite? What if I introduce a person\'s brain to an Unlocked cell?"

"So you were using Seeker\'s cells?"

"Yes. In all cases of this experiment, even to people who know of Seeker and his history, even when I tried it on a few of your team, it failed."

"It\'s impossible for my team to have faith in Seeker. They\'re Warfreakz. They won\'t bow to anyone other than me." Lowengren confidently revealed.

"That\'s not why I tried it on your team. Aside from the faith issue, your team was Unlocked and I hoped your team could develop cells if I introduced Seeker\'s evolved ones. But sadly, as the cells multiplied it gave birth to normal cells. So that experiment was a bust. Anyways, I used some of Seeker\'s cells in hopes that since the blood of Ricardo had been showing forms of Leukemia, I thought the threat would stimulate Seeker\'s cells and it would fight back through its memories."

"Memories?" Alean wondered.

"Yes. Seeker\'s cells carry a form of memory that allows itself to remember what it is even if the cells are out of the Realm Somatotopy of Seeker. Most of everyone\'s cells can do that, they can only maintain the state for up to a few minutes. Seeker\'s cells can keep it up for days and could go as long as weeks depending on the environment it is in."

"So that\'s how it works. No wonder his cells can transform people like Lynd so fast."

"For people who have faith in them, it works. As for Ricardo, Seeker\'s cells remained dormant even when attacked by the white blood cells. I had only enough of Seeker\'s cells for one more experiment. The reason I came here because I know you are here Lowengren. You are the most important key to the success of this experiment."

"Experiment? You plan on experimenting on my daughter?" Hirock erupted.

"Don\'t worry. If it fails, it won\'t harm your daughter. I already tried it on an infant, remember? Ricardo\'s barely two years old!"

Hirock was startled. He couldn\'t imagine what cruelty Charles had who could experiment on baby boys.

Lowengren paused and continued to reflect on what Charles was saying.

"Quite an impressive plan." Lowengren smiled.

"You want me to reveal that we have a magic medicine to be given to Hirock\'s daughter. If she sees you, a famous world-renowned doctor helping, she would be confident. You\'re going to use the Placebo effect to create faith on this medicine which is Seeker\'s cell."

"Placebo?! That\'s the experiment?!" Hirock cursed.

"It\'s related to something we call the Unlocking. Trust me. Even I feel confident that this will work. Heck, Seeker might even get another Ranked Hero at the very least!" Lowengren laughed.

"What\'s the Unlocking and how is it that that can heal my daughter?"

"Hmph." Charles snorted.

"Then observe this! Here. Flip this coin." 

The confused Hircok caught the coin that Charles tossed.

He glanced at Lowengren and Alean who didn\'t seem to have any clue as to what Charles was going to do."

"Flip the coin." Confident Charles ordered.

Hirock followed and flipped the coin.

Charles looked at it and on the last second, he closed his eyes.

"It\'s heads." Charles guessed.

"Ye-yeah," Hirock answered.

"Do it again."

Hirock did so.





"What exactly is this suppose to achieve or prove?" Hirock couldn\'t take it anymore.

"Hm? Not the response I expected. When Seeker did it…"

"What exactly are you doing, Charles?" Alean finally asked.

"Trying to show him the Unlocking."

"By flipping coins?!"

"Yes. I was not paying attention on the last second but because our perception of time is heightened it\'s very easy to guess how the coins landed. Seeker did that when we first met."

Lowengren and Alean were tongue-tied.

"Look. Just because you were shocked by Seeker\'s performance, doesn\'t mean everyone else will be."

"Then what do I try? I can\'t heal these rashes on command yet!" Charles complained.

"Gee. I don\'t know… Maybe the damned Reapers Breath?!" An exasperated Alean argued.

It was as if the clouds of heaven parted and wisdom was bestowed on Charles.

"Right! I forgot about that!" 

Charles immediately moved closer to Hirock.

"What\'s the Reapers Bre-?" A sudden terrifying sensation covered him and Hirock almost fainted in fear.

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