Summoner: Monster Girl Harem!

74 [Bonus Chapter] Chapter 74

"Ah, what a delicious aroma. What would his guts taste like?"

Her voice became deep, vibrating and monstrous. Beautiful snow white skin became a dull grey, filled with small cracks flowing with silver blood. Scarlet caused fear in the males below. They never saw her perfect figure.

"What is that monster!?"

"Ah…. Help….Somebody!"

It filled the men with panic, a humanoid monster of flames on the ground floor, a demonic monster on the upper floors. Someone also blocked the back doors, locking them inside.

Screams came from the other side. Now trapped between three beasts, most men quivered and urinated themselves.

However, the women were all different. Their eyes showed reverence and delight. This was the woman that fought against their slavers, owners and abusers. She bled her divine blood, all to protect them.


Scarlet\'s mind slowly eroded inside this form, going berserk. Her mother\'s blood was impure and could not control itself. Which leads to this makeshift Sin-Form.

"Take the girls…. Escape to our second hideout! I will hold him off. He is the one I\'ve been waiting for, the one my mother said was my fate, or my calamity!"

Her large grey hand, filled with thick plated claws, pushed the tanned woman back, ignoring her concerned face.

Samira loved Scarlet as her sister. Thanks to this woman, with her gentle heart and broken mind. Scarlet saved her from a cruel slave contract her own mother placed upon her, due to lack of "talent!"

"Promise me… You will come find us the moment it\'s over… Please, big sis!"

Scarlet turned back, her face filled with a beauty despite her sharp teeth and cracked grey skin. She gave the girls a thumbs up as her eyes filled with clarity. All of them bowed with great respect and wet eyes as they dashed through the wooden doors, slamming them shut.

A green radiance followed once it permeated the door as a loud click sounded. Those girls were safe for a while. Scarlet could rest easy as her face became feral, and she lept from the third floor. Her body crashing through the second and smashed into the ground floor.

The fall caused massive cracks along the ground, ruining her bar\'s beautiful marble dance floor.

—|Vincent POV|—

His last firebolt burned through a resilient male\'s chest. Vincent watched as the heart cooked and popped like a fried egg poked with bread.

[Mandatory Choice Triggered!]

A mechanical voice sounded, unlike the soft voice of Meiya. This meant business and snapped him out of the joyful slaughter he became drowned in.

[A Half-Daemon Princess has awakened thanks to your presence!]

[Unaccounted for, but now joining the chessboard!]


[Accept this woman as your spouse, claim half of her daemonic power. Drown her in your abyssal corruption, make her whole!]

[Kill her! There can only be one Daemon Heir!]

[Fight her, make the choice after you enjoy the delightful battle! Force her to submit! — Will deactivate your charm aura for the duration of the fight!]

—Vincent: \'Do you need to ask? Stupid system, give back my cute Meiya!\'


Scarlet\'s body cracked as she stood back up. The dark anima that entwined her flesh formed black, shadow-like claws. Her grey eyes now glowing silver fixated on the man before her.

A burst of molten air slammed into her face. His body tore open, blood and flesh spluttering over the ground as he started growing to over 7ft tall as her eyes widened, a magnificent smile of sharp teeth on her face.

His hair crackled, burst with embers turning into pure flames. Arms filled with huge, plated claws and gauntlets. Massive wings filled with scales and feathers fluttered behind his back and a black scaled tail with a sharp point.

"Perfection…" Scarlet said in a whisper. Her daemon blood throbbed in her chest. A sense of affection towards the same kind, a superior male that dominated her blood in every single way.

Thankfully, Vera listened to his words earlier and joined the other girls in the third floor room. Otherwise, she too would become enraged, entering a berserk state because of his changes.

At last, his two thick horns broke through the flesh of his skull, a strange violet blood made of flames leaked out before sucking back inside.

Vincent opened his mouth and bellowed with a loud phoenix cry that shuddered the building and windows. Outside was not the Verina city, but a black void.

—Vincent: \'Why is the outside strange?\'

[The system has locked the space. When Daemon Heirs battle, this will protect the world and hide your presence from greater threats!]

—Vincent: \'But you know, I cannot speak to Silvari or Efrita now… Even Raizel is gone!\'

[The system made a mistake… It won\'t happen again, my prince!]

It seemed submissive and feminine. He preferred this to a haughty voice. Should it act high and mighty with him? He would just unbind the damn thing and force it to allow him to summon Meiya and become strong without it!

He looked towards the grey daemon before him. As he pondered about why her body was still sexually attractive for him. Her slick grey skin, with silver blood in her veins. Breasts too big for even his daemon form to hold in a single hand.

This woman\'s blood was mixed, he could tell from the foul scent mixed with her odour. A sour and tangy smell almost ruined the sweet, floral rose scent she should normally have.

"What is your real name? Daemon!" Vincent said with his gruff, deep, monstrous voice.

Scarlet recoiled. She took several steps back. Although she seemed to resist his colossal pressure. The sheer perfection of this male almost made her bow on instinct. Her body filled with a hot flush as desire for combat, lust, passion, pleasure. He released the sealed emotions inside her as each step cracked the floor even further.

"Elena!" she said, snarling back with a beautiful voice, despite the deep tone.

Her claws grew longer before contracting into small but powerful spikes. As she clenched her fists, lowering her body slowly to avoid his retaliation. She now looked like a person ready to start a sprint, one leg bent, the other forward, her plump ass touching the heel of her right foot.

A strange explosion occurred as their arena became doubled in an instant. The noise surprised Vincent, but not Elena, who shot forward. Like a bolt of lightning, she bolted towards him at a rapid sprint. The wind howled in her ears from the speed she reached. Her eyes glowing with a silver trail…

"Such a beautiful silver light… Are you to become my moon?" Vincent said with a whisper, his left leg slide back before shooting upwards, reaching his waist before it collided with a hard surface.

Sadly, this surface seemed to crack and shatter into several pieces before the heavyweight shot into the distance, turning the bar to dust, broken wood and smashed glass.

Elena placed a hand to her right eye as blood poured from the wound, her skull and eye socket shattered from his violent knee. She watched in shock as he maintained the position with his knee risen.

Thankfully, her elements were earth and holy. She boasted High defence and healing abilities. Which allowed her bones to heal quickly. As a fresh eye replaced the one that exploded into mush.

"Stand up, show me everything you have if you don\'t impress me. I will enjoy your body, then devour you whole!"

His black tail over two metres slithered along the floor, then cracked like a whip, slapping her cheek and shattering two of her teeth, forcing her to spit them out, crashing into the cement pillar shattering it into dust.

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