Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 440 - Seeking Cure from the Pavilion of Herbs

Chapter 440 Seeking Cure from the Pavilion of Herbs

“That’s great. Do let me know if you’re hurting. Don’t you bear the pain alone.”

Long Tianyu instinctively drew closer to her as he tucked her into the blanket.

His hair fell onto her face unintentionally and it tickled her. She instinctively grabbed on to the ends of his hair and smiled at him like a child.

“Stop being cheeky.”

Long Tianyu glanced at her in that unexpected instant, Lin Mengya glimpsed his doting eyes which made her cheeks blush and her heart beat harder.

It seemed that ever since she got injured, their relationship had become especially intimate.

Although she was not used to such intimacy, there was no way she could avoid it.

After all, she was a patient now, and should she not be showered with care?

This was the excuse she found to assure herself. Anyways, she was happy to be so free and relaxed.

At this moment, she was still holding on to Long Tianyu’s hair.

Long Tianyu could not tell if she was doing this on purpose or if it was unintentional, but he did not feel agitated at all. He simply allowed her to hold on to his hair as he sat down by her bed.While they looked at each other, there was no exchange of words but silence, but as he gazed at her bright eyes which were looking all around, he felt a comforting assurance, so much so he could not think of anything else.

“Oh yes, has the Prancing Dragon Herb been delivered to Dajin?”

Lin Mengya tried hard to find a topic of conversation. It was rather strange that they were more used to a life of constant argument.

She was really rather unused to such quiet time together.

“Yes, the emperor of Lintian had already delivered the herb. I received news yesterday and it should have arrived at the palace by now.”

Lin Mengya nodded. Thereafter, she suddenly turned to look at Long Tianyu with wide-opened eyes.

“Where are Baishao and Xiu? How have we forgotten about them? Will you hurry up and look for them, Long Tianyu, and bring them here?”

In her anxiety, Lin Mengya tugged hard at Long Tianyu’s hair. As he frowned from the pain, he instinctively grabbed on to her small hand.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry. Zuo Qiuyu had already sent men to look for them. It was not safe on Immortal Road, so they intended to take the way around it. They should come here within these few days.”

Lin Mengya finally felt assured after hearing what Long Tianyu said.

She let go of her hand on his hair, embarrassed. She had honestly forgotten that she was holding on to his hair.

She gazed at Long Tianyu bashfully and reached out her left hand to massage his head tenderly.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t do that on purpose.”

In response, Long Tianyu gave her a reassuring smile, and then tucked her hand into the blanket.

To Long Tianyu, this lass would be so much easier to deal with if she was unconscious.

Once she was awake, she would be so full of antics always, be it intentionally or unintentionally.

“Cousin sister, cousin sister, are you feeling better?”

All of a sudden, a voice that sounded like a broken record called out, so much so the romantic atmosphere between the two was ruined in that instant.

Lin Mengya could not help but roll her eyes. Ever since she woke up, Zuo Qiuyu had been very clingy to her and was always staying by her bedside.

He would not stop calling out to his cousin sister. In the past few days especially, he and Zuo Qiuchen seemed to be engaged in some kind of competition, taking turns to show off to Lin Mengya.

Although Lin Mengya seemed to hold on to the principle that she would take advantage of the situation, her room was at this moment heaped up with splendid, sparkling items.

Furthermore, she was bedridden. There was no way she could wear those items offered to her. She was no doubt complaining in her hearts because of this.

“What is it this time?”

While Lin Mengya asked impatiently, Long Tianyu was quietly enjoying this.

Regardless of how much attention they eagerly showered on Lin Mengya, she would at most give them a smile.

The person whom Lin Mengya was most intimate with was Long Tianyu.

On this point, Long Tianyu had become the single one person whom the Zuo Brothers were painfully envious of.

“Ah, now my heart is assured seeing that you’re well and healthy. Oh yes, the other princes had sent over a number of interesting items. I’ve picked one jade bangle from among them. Wearing it would greatly enhance your circulation. If you put it on, it can improve your condition.”

Zuo Qiuyu explained as he took out a pale pinkish-purple jade bangle from a wingceltis box from the side.

Long Tianyu looked on silently with cold eyes.

He had heard that this was the special produce of the Nation of Lintian. For commoners, a piece of such jade as big as a fingernail would be considered a family’s heirloom, not to mention a bangle this big.

Presently, Long Tianyu could see the generosity of these so-called princes.

However, what was this to Long Tianyu? Once they were back in Dajin, he would offer all the best things in Dajin to Lin Mengya as gifts.

Zuo Qiuyu carefully lifted up Lin Mengya’s right hand and slip it through her hand onto her wrist.

Lin Mengya did not seem to have any reaction when she saw at her drooping hand. On the other hand, it was Long Tianyu and Zuo Qiuyu whose eyes were immediately filled with a look of pity and regret.

They were rather certain that Lin Mengya’s right hand was ruined.

“It’s so pretty and it fits you. This gift from Prince Yun is indeed fitting. I’ll surely put in a good word for them in before my emperor brother.”

Zuo Qiuyu’s face broke out in a satisfied smile when he put the bangle on Lin Mengya.

As a physician himself, Zuo Qiuyu was very aware of what it meant for a physician’s right arm to be disabled. It meant that all the hard work over the years would go to waste.

Moreover, Lin Mengya was so perfect. While she was full of antics, behind all this, she was exceptionally mature and magnanimous.

If such a woman were to have any disability, would it not be the world’s greatest regret?

Therefore, he intended to heal Lin Mengya’s right arm no matter what.

“I think it looks very pretty too. Please thank Prince Yun on my behalf.”

In reality, Lin Mengya had accepted the situation. Although they did not breathe a word about it, she knew that although the crossbow arrow did not hurt her bone, her nerves would have been impacted when the arrow was being drawn out of her.

As a result, she could not exert strength on that arm at all.

Nevertheless, this was not the worst situation. At least she had survived and was this not the best thing?

“Oh yes, I’ve actually come to discuss something with you today.”

After a moment of hesitation, Zuo Qiuyu glanced at Lin Mengya’s right arm and decidedly told her what he tried to keep to himself earlier on.

“There’s no harm revealing this to me,” said Lin Mengya.

Long Tianyu could tell from his expression that what he was going to say had to do with Lin Mengya’s right arm.

To be honest, Qiu Yu could be considered to be a highly skillful physician.

If even he was at a loss at what to do, Lin Mengya’s recovery seemed so hopeless.

If there really was a way for her arm to recover, even if there was only a tiny chance of success, he would be willing to give it a try.

“Actually, I’m not going to hide this from you anymore. The reason the Nation of Lintian was able to stand strong was not only because of its favorable geographical factors. What is even more critical is a place called the Pavilion of Herbs. Within this Pavilion of Herbs is a gathering of tip-top physicians from all nations. In my opinion, they may have a way to help my cousin sister recover completely.”

She would be lying if she said she was not upset. Who would want to become paralyzed for the rest of his or her life?

Nevertheless, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu had more or less guessed it.

The Pavilion of Herbs must be difficult to access.

Otherwise, why would Zuo Qiuyu rather visit the various famous physicians but not suggest seeking treatment from the Pavilion of Herbs at the beginning?

“Just speak your mind. There’s nothing to worry about.”

Lin Mengya paused for a while before she pretended to speak in a casual tone.

Everyone would have their reasons and difficulties. As much as possible, she did not want to create trouble for Zuo Qiuyu.

However, at this moment, she desperately wished to learn more about the Pavilion of Herbs.

“We need to give this matter further thought, because...”

Zuo Qiuyu braced himself to speak out about the difficulties he was facing.

Before he could do that, an authoritative voice interrupted him and said what he had wanted to say.

“This is because to engage the service of the Pavilion of Herbs, the subject needs to be either blood relations with the royal family or the pupils of the physicians in the Pavilion of Herbs. Apart from such conditions, it would be near impossible to engage them.”

Zuo Qiuchen seemed to have rushed here after the court adjourned.

Compared to how he usually dressed as a nobleman, today, he was wearing a crown and clad in a royal yellow imperial robe embroidered with a five-clawed golden dragon. Finally, he was exuberating the air of an emperor of a nation.

The expression on his face neither betrayed joy nor sorrow. It was as if he had seen through all the things on earth.

The pride of being able to sit on the imperial throne which made him despise everything below him made him somewhat similar to Long Tianyu.

Both of them were extremely excellent men. Although they differed in their characters, they appear to belong to the same category when standing side by side with each other.

Long Tianyu might be stationed in another’s territory at the moment, but he was neither supercilious nor obsequious.

Moreover, Zuo Qiuchen admired him greatly. In fact, Zuo Qiuchen had even exempted him from certain etiquette.

He was probably the only person within the boundaries of the Nation of Lintian who had been bestowed such great honor.

Perhaps it was due to the appreciation and empathy they had for their kind.

“My cousin sister is our blood relation after all. Moreover, my aunt used to be the only disciple of the first elder of the Pavilion of Herbs. On this ground, they have to treat cousin sister.”

Zuo Qiuyu was determined to have Lin Mengya treated in the Pavilion of Herbs.

It was not because Zuo Qiuchen did not desire so, but rather, he was able to see things more clearly and understand certain circumstances more completely.

“You are excused.”


The guards who were standing around left the room quietly.

The atmosphere became a little awkward. Lin Mengya was about to say something but realized that she did not know how to begin.

She must have made a correct assumption.

“Don’t you make trouble! Our aunt being the disciple of the first elder had been a well-kept secret in the royal family for decades! If this secret were to leak out, do you know how much trouble it would bring on our cousin sister?”

Zuo Qiuchen rebuked his younger brother as he gave him a severe look.

Zuo Qiuyu immediately realized his mistake, but he still tried to put on a front.

However, knowing that he was at fault, he could only try to protest through the look in his eyes.

Nevertheless, Lin Mengya, being exceptionally intelligent, could make an educated guess from their conversation.

If her mother, Zuo Shuqing, was the eldest princess of the Nation of Lintian and the secret disciple of the first elder, then the reason for keeping that secret was apparent.

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