Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 357 - Bright New Vista

The worried expression on Lin Mengya’s face finally began to ease.

Just when she felt assured, what Qiu Yu said subsequently, brought back her worries.

“Although my family knows how to cultivate the Tranquil Lotus, we are clueless about its use.”

What? Was there even a special way to use this herb?

After searching through the Shen Nung System, unfortunately, Lin Mengya realized that the biggest bug in the system was that it followed the modern concept of producing prescriptions.

In other words, there was no instruction on how to extract the properties of the herb in the Shen Nung System. At most, there were only some tips on its dosage and external application.

Lin Mengya could not help letting out a bitter laugh. If it were in modern times, it was possible to extract the essence of any kind of medicine through advanced methods.

However, here when she encountered herbs with more complicated functions, she could only use special methods to activate or neutralize it, if she could not find another herb as a replacement.

Come to think of it, advanced technology was not available to the ancient people, yet they were able to think of solutions comparable to that of modern times. This showed that the wisdom of the ancient people was not as simple as what the people of modern-day thought.

“Let me think of a solution, since I’m the one who came out with this prescription.”

Although she did not have a concrete idea on how to use it, she believed that she would be able to find a way, after doing a few rounds of experimentations.

At least there would be an outcome given that they had a direction.

Nevertheless, Qiu Yu looked down and thought for a while. Then with a severe tone, he said,

“Maybe there is an introduction to this kind of herb in the medical books your mother left behind for you. Since the book records the efficacy of Tranquil Lotus, maybe it also records the way to administer it? After all, who would know its efficacy if no one had ingested it?”

Lin Mengya smiled guiltily when she saw the serious expression on Qiu Yu’s face.

Come to think of it, her mother had indeed left many medical books behind.

In the beginning, when Shangguan Qing married into the family, she had secretly burnt some of her mother’s relics.

The medical books alone had been kept inside her father’s study, earlier on.

Without her father’s permission, not to mention Shangguan Qing, even the servants in the house, were not allowed to touch those books.

Lin Mengya might have been a dull-witted girl when she was young, but she had always treasured her mother’s medical books.

It was for this reason that she had learned how to read, under her father’s guidance. Strangely, while she had no memory of human relationships in the family, she had a photographic memory of the medical books.

It was all thanks to her familiarity with the efficacies of the herbs that she managed to escape Shangguan Qing’s treacherous schemes numerous times.

Strangely, while she was able to discern poison from medicinal herbs while she was still a dull-witted girl, why did she ingest those poisonous dates while she was in the sedan?

Her doubt was like a drop of ink that fell into clear water.

After dropping into the water and mixing with it, it turned the water into a dark grey color.

Apparently, there were still many things she did not understand. Be it Shangguan Qing or Lin Mengwu, someone was always out to harm her.

“You’re right. There must be records of this in the medical books. How about this? I will go home to have a look tomorrow. Then I will have to trouble you to continue the work here.”

To Lin Mengya, her father had kept those medical books as a remembrance of her late mother, something he could use to comfort his sorrowful heart.

However, if there was really any record concerning the Tranquil Lotus, that would be of great help to her research.

Moreover, she had not been back to the Lins, since her father and elder brother left, which was a long time ago. It was time she brought some back luck to the mother and daughter pair.

Here she was, working herself up to a frenzy, why should that mother and daughter pair be enjoying peace and quiet?

In this instant, the naughty part of Lin Mengya emerged.

The sneaky smile on her face sent chills up Qiu Yu and Baiji’s spines.

It appeared that some people would be unlucky!

“What? You’re going back to your mother’s house tomorrow? Bring Steward Deng with you and remember to come back early in the evening.”

According to the rules, Lin Mengya was not allowed to visit her family without Long Tianyu accompanying her.

However, given that they had been married for quite some time, Lin Mengya could go anywhere she wished, as long as Long Tianyu agreed.

Perhaps it was from Long Tianyu’s past encounters with the mother and daughter pair, but he did not have a good impression of those greedy women.

He did not have any reason to stop Lin Mengya from visiting her family, but Long Tianyu could not help, but frown at the plan.

Nothing good could come out from anything associated with the Shangguan Family.

“Alright, I will try my best to come back. Are there any other instructions for me, Your Highness?”

Long Tianyu was still brooding over what happened in the day time, but Lin Mengya seemed to be unperturbed.

She rubbed her glabella. She almost could not stand the throbbing of her head after a day’s intensive research.

Fortunately, the powerful Shen Nung System had enhanced her efficiency so much that she had made significant progress in her research today. Obviously a heavy burden had been lifted in her heart, after she solved the problem regarding the Tranquil Lotus.

She was confident that Qiu Yu was able to handle the remaining work very well.

What was critical now was to find out how to use the Tranquil Lotus.

Once this problem was solved, the hope of purging the poison from the emperor’s body would be foreseeable.

“I— be cautious in everything. I suspect the Shangguan Family is up to something these days. The queen, who has their back, would not remain quiet for long. Shangguan Qing is the queen’s blood sister, so you have to be careful.”

While Long Tianyu was not ready to reveal to Lin Mengya about everything that happened in the court, he had to caution her carefully, lest she suffered losses.

“I believe Shangguan Qing would not be so obedient toward her elder sister now.”

Lin Mengya let out a casual laugh, as a thought crossed her mind.

If the Shangguan Family could bring harm to the Lin Family, why could she not use the same tactic against the Shangguan Family?

Long Tianyu gazed at her questioningly.

“It’s because the queen had attempted to cement political relations by marrying Lin Mengwu off. Shangguan Qing might be ruthless, hypocritical and cunning, but she loved her daughter dearly. Lin Mengwu would not dare to do many things, if not for Shangguan Qing indulging her. She was different from the queen in that Lin Mengwu was both her pride, yet weak spot. All I need to do is to sow a little discord and Shangguan Qing would turn against the queen.”

Long Tianyu believed that he was a master in conspiracies.

However, he paled in comparison with Lin Mengya, when it came to handling the details of household affairs.

Although household affairs might seem to concern only the women in the household, those affairs certainly affected the affairs in the court. His princess was apparently a female dab hand, behind the scenes.

He did not have to worry about any fire in his back yard as long as she was around.

“Madame Lin, who is in the nether world, would definitely be comforted if she learns about this,”

Long Tianyu blurted this out without much thought.

In response, Lin Mengya glanced at him and shook her head gently.

Lin Mengya did not feel estranged from this mother whom she had never met before.

On the other hand, she was grateful to her.

“My father hardly mentioned anything about my mother. Perhaps because he thought I was dimwitted when I was young and would not be able to understand much. However, I have a feeling that I would not have experienced such a tough time, if she were around.”

No mother would let her child fall into a whirlpool that would take her life.

It was said that Lin Mengya had passed away because of her. Despite not having any memory of her, Lin Mengya could imagine what kind of a perfect mother she was, given her great love.

“I’ve heard some elders talking about Madame Lin. Although there were many ladies who were experts in music and the arts from reputable families in the capital city at that time, none of them were comparable to your mother.”

The fact was that Long Tianyu was a few years older than Lin Mengya.

Coupled with the fact that he was surrounded by servants who were elders in the palace. naturally, he would have learned about the things of the past, more than Lin Mengya would have.

All of a sudden, Lin Mengya became curious about this mother whom she had never met, for no reason.

Even the fact that her father was a rare hero. Why was he unable to put his late wife out of his mind, even after such a long period of time?

The expression on Lin Mengya’s face was one that Long Tianyu had seldom seen.

It was a look of longing coming from her heart.

Although his life in the palace had been one filled with scheming and plotting from his enemies, he always had his mother by his side, after all.

This was a luxury Lin Mengya did not have. Once, he had heard Baizhi mentioning that she and Lin Mengya had only each other when they were back at the Lin’s.

If one were to ponder how the two delicate girls looked after and watched out for each other, one would have an idea of the kind of hardship they went through during those days.

Instantly, a feeling of pain and tenderness for Lin Mengya rose in Long Tianyu’s heart.

However, Long Tianyu, who had never experienced such sentiments, was unaware of what he was feeling.

“What do you wish to know?”

His rational mind told him to stop dwelling on this topic. However, he could not bear the pain he felt for her, but fixed his gaze on her eyes that were filled with disappointment.

Lin Mengya nodded hurriedly. There was a look of yearning in her teary eyes.

Even she did not expect herself to feel the urge to find out more about this woman, who was in a way, unrelated to her.

Perhaps deep in her heart, she had been united with the wishes of that poor girl.

“I’m not exactly clear about what really happened. What I know was, to begin with, your mother was not a daughter of any prominent family in the capital city or even Dajin. However, it was when your father returned from a victorious battle, that the entire capital city witnessed for the first time, what an unrivaled beauty meant.”

What Long Tianyu said was widespread knowledge, but he kept his voice low, as he spoke.

However, Lin Mengya seemed to be mesmerized and fell into a daze, as she listened to his mellow, rich voice.

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